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hanakous request!!

First time writing romance😻😻😻

"Hey Kaito." Kaito turns around and is met face-to-face with Maki, her chocolaty hair finally out of her usual two ponytails. "O-Oh, Maki Roll! Hey!" Kaito replies. Kaito usually has a tough-guy act, but when it comes to Maki, he's kind of soft. "Don't call me that!!" she hisses. Kaito snickers.

"W-well Maki, since you're here, I was wondering, are you doing anything tonight?" Kaito stutters. "Well, come to think of it, no actually." Maki mutters. "Why, do you want to h-hang out?" Maki feels her own face getting red at the thought, but she shakes it off. He laughs awkwardly. "You kind of read my mind... well, would you want to anyways?"

"Yeah, I would love to!!" Maki blushes again, realizing how desperate she sounded. "N-not like I'd care. It just sounds kinda fun." Kaito can't hold back his laugh. "WHAT ARE YOU LAUGHING AT?!!" Maki growls. Kaito could swear she was possessed by a demon for a second. "N-nothing!!" He manages to finally stop himself before he gets a fist to the face. "So, meet at the library at 6pm maybe?" Maki suggests. "Yeah of course! Oh and don't feel like you have to dress up or anything. It's just gonna be the two of us."

"It's just gonna be the two of us." That sentence echoes in Maki's mind as she heads back to her dorm to eat and change out of her usual outfit. I wonder if he likes me? I would really- NO! I don't like him. Nuh uh. Nada. Well maybe- GOSH!! What kind of spell has he put on me?! Maki shakes her thoughts away as she devours her ramen. After a few minutes, she decided that she was going to wear a long sleeved red collared shirt with a black skirt. She wanted to look nice, but she didn't want to overdo it because then Kaito would definitely suspect her falling head over heels for h- NOPE!

I fidget around with my fingers as I start thinking about Maki. The only girl who I've actually genuinely liked... and we're going stargazing. Just the two of us. I'm gonna have to start talking to Angie because Atua has definitely been on my side. I shove a hotpocket into the microwave and get into a purple shirt with a white jacket and jeans. I never really liked jeans but someone told me they looked good on me- Gosh am I really trying this hard to impress Maki? Well she's really... pretty... What am I saying? She's not gonna like me for crap! Well, I guess I should head out to the library.

Why is she taking so long?! I know it's only been 5 minutes but it feels like years... "AH!" Maki laughs demonically. "That's what you get for calling me Maki Roll!" God, I know this is gonna sound weird, but I love her evil laugh- "Hello?? Earth to Kaito?? Get it??" Gosh, I hate this. I never babble, but I'm getting so nervous thanks to Kaito. Geez, what has he done to me? "OH! CRAP! Sorry about that, I was just... thinking! W-well we should probably head out now... luckily the clearing isn't that far away!" Clearing?? What is he planning??

"We're heeeere!!" he chimes.
I open my eyes to see the navy blue night sky, painted with streaks of purple and dotted with glowing stars. The way her eyes light up looking at the stars is so pretty. Have I met my match? "Wow, Kaito... this is beautiful." Maki subconsciously lays her head on Kaito's shoulder, peace washing across her usually blank expression and Kaito turns into a red tomato. She realizes the position she's in and jerks her head back, blush crawling across her face. "O-Oh!! Gosh!! I am SO sorry, Kaito-" "No, I liked it." He gently pulls her head back and lays down onto the grass. "W-well um... Maki..." He takes a sharp breath. "There's something I need to tell you." Could it really be? Is he actually doing this right now??

*here's when things start getting a bit spicy, sorry if it sucks, I haven't wrote romance before*
"Well... we've been close for a while now... and well..." He slams his hands against his face, covering his dark blush. "I-I like you! And I know you wouldn't feel the same way since y--" Maki pulls Kaito into a kiss. His eyes light up like the stars as he feels Maki's soft lips against his and he melts into the kiss. "I-I-I like you t-too, Kaito..." she blushes, almost looking mad at him for making her feel this way. "Listen Maki, you're gorgeous... you're like royalty. Ever since I've met you I've been trying to hold back from telling you this but... I guess it felt like today would be a special day." Maki's eyes start watering from all the compliments. "Are you... crying?" "Sh-shut up!!" she hisses. "Well... I guess... you can call me Maki Roll since we're in love now..." Kaito chuckles.

And they fell asleep under the stars.


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