EPISODE 01-1/2

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An open field.
SpringVale is quiet for once.
I stand still trying for reception with on the local carrier pigeons slowly sneaking up on it. Hoping that I'll be able to catch it, and tie the note to for Miss Jean. But as I finally think my luck will pull through the bird flies up sprawling into the sky. Breaching the air with its dirty grey wings.
"No wait!"
I gasp dragging myself to up from my knees. Sighing I sag my sorry self to a local bench. There must have been another Archon Attack near by. My eyes graze upon on another sight, a girl soggy from the rain, her blond hair capturing my attention away from her covered face. From the clip glimpse of her shoulder, her skin is ghostly pale decorated by pink claw marks.
Unready for this surprise I look back trying to see where I had left my umbrella grasping get it for her. However, she was gone by the time I turned around.

Suddenly. The sky was flames with the ray lights of an Archon. I gasped choking back my bated breath throwing myself against a bulding.

"Don't let it detect you Benny."

I tucked myself away against the SpringVale home preying that it wouldn't spot me. But it didn't work.
A sharp spiraling anemeo blast hit my back causing the area to become red and sore.

"Thanks for waiting!"
A car pulled by my side, and flung its door open. There sat the Librain Lisa, or Miss Lisa. Blond hair, green eyes, and smiling face. The floor of her carriage scattered with beer cans. I slid in quickly shoving my bag under the seat. Ms Lisa hit the experimental engine with her vision energy causing it to spiral.

"You like it Bennet?"
Lisa chuckled, running it even harder with her electro vision.

"It's so cool, Ms Lisa!"
I gasped watching the engine spark.

"It's part of the new tech we've developed at STARFALL. Jeanies been working overtime."
Lisa added pulling us back around the city as we escaped the Archon.

(Insert the part about Gendo and his straight man flirting with the government, know the whole, "A spare pilot is going to arrive)-Srry idk how to write that bit


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2021 ⏰

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