Chapter One

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'AHHHHHHH,' Lana screams when she suddenly wakes up from a dream she couldn't get out of. Her dreams lately have been filled with herself being trapped in an asylum.. Every asylum themed dream she wakes up from, she suddenly realises she's in the asylum herself.

As the screams fill the hallways of Briarcliff Manor, nurses & secruity guards come to the room where Lana has been kept for the past 3 months.

'Lana, are you okay?' Local security guard Frank asks. 'This always happen Lana.'

'I think I'm good now,' Lana replies sickly.

'You should come out now, it's time for a room search anyway.'


As Frank nods his head with a sad grin on his face, both Lana & Frank walk outside Lana's room for the daily room search.

As the room search was completed, Lana walked through the filthy hallways that reeked of death towards the common room, where most of the patients hang out for a while. Lana gets to the door & has a deep breath. She opens the door & the first thing that Lana hears when she walks through the door is that 'Dominique' is playing. This song is driving me insane & these other patients insane as well, Lana thought to herself as she walked towards the song player. Before she could go one step further, a nun stops Lana & tells her off.

'Miss Winters, what are you doing?' Lana looked up to the eye of Sister Jude. Jude was standing tall & fierce when she looked back at Lana.

'Lana, answer my question. What are you doing?'

'Nothing, just looking at the song player as per usual.'

'Well, stop looking at the song player & come to my office please.'

'Why am I heading to your office..?'

'Just come with me.'

Lana stopped staring at the song player & followed Sister Jude to her office.

When both Sister Jude & Lana approached the door to Sister Jude's office, Lana started to feel nervous & having a pale face on her. Before Sister Jude could even open the door, Sister Mary Eunice ran towards Sister Jude like a frieght train.

'Sister Jude, Sister Jude there's an emergency in the common room!'

'Ugh. Okay Miss Lana Banana, don't open this door until I get back.'

As Sister Jude & Sister Mary walked away in a hurry, pale-faced Lana was still at the door thinking is she could open the door or not. Her shaky hand then started to reach towards the doorknob. She grabs the door knob, then opens the door.

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