"No. I'm not him. Just a friend."

This time she looked at him and then nodded. . looking kind of defeated as if she was waiting for him.

And definitely not Elliot.

She opened the door wide . Stepping back .

"Mrs Darrow are you letting me in?" He asked smiling slightly.

She narrowed her eyes.

"What else do you think I'm doing? I'm letting you in." She said sharply.

And Elliot had to hide his smile this time as he stepped in the house.

"Just making sure , Mrs Darrow."

If only she knew. .


She had led him to the backyard and had disappeared somewhere in the house.

Probably in the kitchen.

He had to move fast if he didn't want to be served tea. He hated tea.

And judging by scent of this house. .they loved it here!

Slowly, Elliot pushed the door . . stepping out . .the fresh air hitting him and involuntarily he took a deep breath in. . .immediately spotting a delicate figure right on his right side.

Sitting on a wooden chair. .hair not even combed. .eyes staring at the jungle . .dark circles . .chapped lips. . everything screamed . .ruined.

Somehow. . his heart had ached at the woeful sight. Seeing her so. . .distant from her surroundings. .so disconnected. Like she didn't care if the sky would fall over her head.

And strangely she reminded her of him.

But his state was more devastating than hers.

Elliot cleared his throat .

But nothing happened.

Right. .Elliot walked towards her obnoxiously loud. Making sure his footsteps echoed-

And that caught her attention, for in a slow-mo she glanced at him . .and it hit him.

Hit his heart.

So this was Sarah Darrow?

The girl who flipped Damien's world upside down? She was such a contrast with Damien. All delicate and soft. .

She kept looking at him without saying anything until he occupied the chair next to her, making sure there was some decent space between them.

As he sat she looked away .

Back to staring at nothing.

And he decided to break the ice.

"Nice weather isn't it?" Elliot said softly.

It took her a few moments to reply.

"Yeah." A raspy reply was all he got.

He chuckled .

"You didn't ask me who I'm . Why I'm here etc." Elliot wondered.

"Does it matter?"

"Yes. .and no. But I would like to introduce myself . My name is Elliot and I come with nothing but good will."

Sarah glanced at him and Elliot thought. .

Such empty eyes. .

"Did he send you?" She asked so bluntly , so directly . . .Elliot wasn't ready.

He sat up straight.

"Yes-no. He didn't. "

"Then why are you here?" She asked , a rueful smile on her face.

"About that. .i had a rude awakening . But that's beside the point. I came to ask. .to request that you need to get back to him , Sarah. " he said softly. .his voice earnest.

Sarah shook her head lightly.

"I can't-"

"Why? Why Sarah? Why ever not? Don't you love him?"

Sarah looked at him , a bruised smile on her face.

"Love? Do you even know the meaning of it? Does love mean to be with that person even if it destroyes them? All I want to see is him moving with his life with his family with his royal lineage. .," Her voice turned bitter ," I can't make him chose between me and . .," She bit her lower lip. .her brown eyes tearing up.

Elliot fell silent.

Letting her take over her nerves. She sniffed , wiping her eyes fiercely enough to turn her skin red.

"I love him , Elliot. I love him with every cell of my being. I know nothing else but to love him . To pray for him. To ask God to heal him. To ask God to give my life to him. I-i know the road I took is less traveled but when it comes to him . .I can go to the end of the world."

Elliot laughed , a humorless laugh.

"End of the world? And what if. .what if he's not even alive to appreciate what you did ?"

Sarah's heart fell .

"What. .what do you mean?"

Elliot leaned in.

His eyes digging in hers.

"He's . .Damien is dying, Sarah. He's dying from a broken heart."


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