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A day of lessons passed and Theo and El stuck together as he made snide comments about people and she tried not to laugh

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A day of lessons passed and Theo and El stuck together as he made snide comments about people and she tried not to laugh.

When the pair caught wind of Harry's argument with Umbridge they both couldn't contain her rudeness and his stupidity.

She finally caught him at the end of the day alone and rather annoyed.

"Harry! Wait up." She called as the boy stopped and turned.

"How was your first day?"

"Oh it was great. Theo is hilarious and Slytherin is just marvelous." El replied dreamily almost getting off topic and not seeing Harry's annoyed face.

"Harry, Umbridge, you need to be careful with her-"

"I know she works for Fudge-"

"No not that, well that and the fact that Umbridge is a very dangerous woman. She despises half breeds and sometimes muggle borns. My uncle told me that she tried to get in with the death eaters a few years ago. She didn't but she supports their movement." She rushed as Harry's eyes widened.

"What about you though?"

"I'm doing lessons with Snape. Reg requested I don't be near her. She believes torture is the way to discipline people and I have loud opinions."

Checking the time on her watch, El realized she had reached her destination.

Thinking harms about a ballet studio she turns to Harry and grinned, "Do you want to see something cool?"

Before he could reply a low rumble sounded as tall wooden doors appeared leaving Harry's mouth wide open.

El still didn't wait as she dragged him by the hand into the studio like room.

"How did you do that." Harry finally stuttered out.

"Uncle Reg told me about it. It's called the room of requirement, an ever changing room to fit your needs."

Without waiting fir his answer the girl quickly pulled off her jumper and leggings to reveal the nude leotard.

Harry instantly turned around, but not without blushing deeper then before.

Finally pulling on her thin tule skirt she told Harry to turn around.

"Why were you alone, in the corridor." El inquired as she stretched herself out.

"It was just Seamus and I can't handle the whispers anymore." He ranted as El listened in a split position.

"And my scar keeps hurting and there is a dream with a stupid door." Harry finished as he saw El's pondering face.

"Your scar hurt last year, when you had the visions of Voldemort and when he is nearby or angry." He nodded as El carried on with that strange face.

"What El?"

"It's just, if I was Voldemort I would want you to be as alone as possible. Make you feel angry and alone and easier to attack. And the scar is a connection right, so what if he is putting the thoughts in your head. As a trap." She explained as Harry seemed lost.

"Basically, don't shut people out. Especially your friends. You need them." She elaborated.

Finally finished with her stretches she put on a fast pace song a she danced quickly and effortlessly.

When she finished she turned to see Harry staring at her when she got an idea.

Thinking of a punching bag, one appeared in the corner as Harry looked confused.

"Might me good for your anger." She shrugged as she wrapped his hands in bands to punch.

"Uncle Reg was always scared of me going out alone in London, so he hired an old friend to teach me how to fight. I got good at it so I carried on."

"Now punch the bag."

Harry weakly punched it as El tutted.

"Your feet need to be further apart and bring your fists a little higher, like that."

For next two hours, El taught Harry some basics as she danced in between.

"There! That's enough for tonight, we should do this again." She exclaimed, pulling on her clothes as Harry smiled.

El smiled, looking up she noticed how close he was to her. She stared right into his emerald eyes and felt entranced. Everything about him seemed perfect to her. To his slightly crooked nose to the odd freckle on his face.

Harry tucked a stray blonde hair behind her ear as they carried on staring at each other.

"You know we should-"

Before El could finish, Harry had placed his lips on hers.

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