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Nearly every night Regulus Black sat in the drawing room with a cup of coffee thinking. He wasn't a troubled man but a worried career.

So when he went to the room and found his big brother he was surprised. Nonetheless, he sat beside him as he sipped his coffee.

"What is she like?"

"Kind. The kindest human I have ever met. When she was six, I took her to the park but I lost like five minutes later. I couldn't find her for two hours and when I did she had butterflies in her hair as she gave random people flowers. She's lost her temper three times in her life, two of which were today."

"Do you think I have a chance?"

"Sirius, I really don't know. That girl was so sad for so long that it hurt her. She deserves the world and you didn't try to give it to her."

"I love him, Reg."

"More than Ellie. You love a man more than your own daughter."

"Don't make me choose Reg."

"Because you'll pick him." The light voice said as they turned to the voice. El didn't move towards them and carried on. "It's okay to say out loud. You love Remus Lupin and James Potter more. Do what makes you happy, we all deserve it. Be happy." To others the words were rude but it was said in such kinds words that it obvious that she was telling the truth.

With that she walked away. Sirius tried to follow her but his brother held him back.

"Reg, I need to.."

"Need to what, you can't lie to her. The girl's got a sixth sense."

"She's my daughter Reg.."

"She became my daughter the second you walked out the front door." With those words the he left the room leaving a thoughtful Sirius."


The next morning, Celeste Black woke up with a new mindset. She hadn't been herself the day before and wanted to be better. She threw on a denim skirt and blue crop top. Staring at the mirror and knowing her uncle would complain she put on of his flannels on too.

Walking calmly down the stairs she heard noise again, which irked her but she put on a smile and walked in the room. She immediately went to Molly Weasley and quietly apologized.

Afterwards she sat beside her Reg -who was still reading the Prophet. With a smile she ate her normal toast. She was okay until Lily Potter sat opposite and tried to make conversation.

"You know, today we could do some baking, just you and me. Godmother, Goddaughter time."

"I'm sorry but I'm busy today. And I don't bake much." She said in her normal kind voice.

"I could teach you." Lily said, clearly not seeing the signs that Regulus was giving to stop talking.

"Unfortunately I can't cancel. I made some commitments." She said in the same voice.

Before Lily could object El had already stood up and kissed Reg on the cheek.

Walking out the door she left the table in whispers.

El ran through the market as she stopped and talked to random people. She saw the baker yelling down the phone and offered to help. She saw people struggling with boxes as she stopped and helped.

She finally reached her destination, a field of colorful flowers. The young girl let go as she ran through the fields of nature with no care in the world.

Nothing mattered. Not her deadbeat dad. Father stealing stepfather. Persistent Godparents. Rude Gingers. They didn't exist. It was just her and a bunch of flowers.

She allowed her magic to surround her as she allowed flowers of all kinds to grow.

She allowed butterflies to nestle in her as she carried on skipping through the fields

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She allowed butterflies to nestle in her as she carried on skipping through the fields.

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