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chapter five

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chapter five.


SEPTEMBER HAD FLOWN BY AND OCTOBER WAS NOW UPON THEM, and Freya could not deny that this was one of her favorite times of the year. Sometimes, she thought the months of October and November were overlooked by December, due to the holiday season. But, she adored the fall season.

The way the trees hung over the castle in bright hues of red, yellow and orange made everything seem more worthy of being. Even when she was a child, watching the large oak tree on her family's estate change with each season made the fall just a bit more bearable in her so-called "home" as it seemed to only grow colder with the years that passed.

Not to mention, she had always loved warm cups of tea or coffee. Anything warm, really, she liked. Especially when it was pouring rain outside, and she could sit by the window and watch the droplets of water trickle down as she sipped on a cup of cinnamon tea.

This particular Saturday in October, though, was reserved for Hogsmeade. She loved visiting Hogsmeade, and as the first trip of the year, she was especially excited to go with her friends.

"This is such a great escape from the castle." Marlene sighed out dreamily, walking down the cobblestone path that was wedged in between the shops in Hogsmeade. They were all bundled up in jackets and scarves, as there was a slight chill in the air that day.

"I told James we would meet them at The Three Broomsticks." Freya blurted out, thinking back to the conversation she had with James the previous night as they completed homework together in the common room.

"Of course you did." Lily retorted, sending her friend a knowing smirk, to which Freya rolled her eyes at.

"What did you expect me to say? I wasn't going to tell him no, he seemed so excited for the butterbeer." Freya defended, laughing slightly as they walked towards the pub that was a hot-spot for Hogwarts students every time they visited Hogsmeade.

"Or, maybe it's just because you can't say no to him in general." Marlene pointed out teasingly, opening the door to the pub for her two friends, allowing them to go inside before her.

The girls laughed as they walked inside the pub, knowing Marlene was correct with her previous statement. Freya's eyes traveled through the pub, attempting to pick out James, which she did rather quickly.

James smiled softly to himself when he caught her gaze, waving her over and muttering to Sirius to move over so she could sit next to him. Sirius glanced over at Freya as the girls approached, sending her a tight-lipped smile before moving over to make room for her to sit down.

"I'm glad you could make it." James spoke up as Freya sat down, sliding a glass of butterbeer in front of her. "I hope this is what you were going to order." He added, watching as Freya raised her eyebrows slightly in surprise.

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