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Kroger hit by car in virgina

oh noes

Crazy purple grubhub dad walked into timmys room and saw lil timmy with takis on his shirt. "TiMmY i ToLd YoU tO sToP eAtInG tAkIs iN yOuR rOoM" Dad snatched the bag of legendary takis. "BuT daDdY , wHy R u iN mY rOoM???????" Timmy raged. "Kroger ded" Dad frowned. "ew dont tell me we have to wear black to the funeral" Timmy angar. "Ye u going too now get in the car" dad kidnapped the kid and painted their clothes black cuz they don't hv black clothes " daddy I wanna go to toysrus can we stop by there" Timmy pointed to a toys r us "OMG WIFE CAN WE GOO" dad loooked at salad lady immaturely. "nuh uh we gonna be late bish" salad slapped dad. dad yeeted her out da car. She respawnes somehow idk. "fine wanna watch hentai on the way to edgy funeral day" Timmy Lenny face owo "yes son" dad and Timmy watched hentai (why) when they got to the funeral they left the car and want to the grave yard. "actually why are we here we never liked the kroger dad anyways...?????" Timmy confoosion. "We gonna dance on the body." and omg that was a fricking good idea nglllll. "ok" the three dance on body woot woot. meanwhile during their summoning a tall gurl with white hair and a black streak. It was vflower. "hol up is this a cult if so ima join" vflower hopped onto the grave and d a n c e d. "Follow @cakey_da_boi and win 1000000000000000 bobuxx no scam"

da end sowwy it was short.

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