New places, new faces

Start from the beginning

"When it seemed she was going to die, her friend flew in, feet first into that monster. He launched him away like it was nothing, using some sort of enchantment spells. A green lighting was dancing of his skin like crazy, he dodged bullets of death fired in great succession even from only few mels. After his other companion went to him and talked to him he just teleported to the enemy and hit him so hard that the Dullahan's armor folded in half. When I later went to the crater they created it looked like a piece of scrap metal, bent and torn apart." He finished his retelling of the events. They neared the guild.

"This is the guild building, please proceed inside, at the counter should be a young blonde woman. She is the head receptionist and the one responsible for this branch." Lucas said, bowing lightly and going back to his work.

The agent of kingdom looked a bit at the large door contemplating. In the official report there was no description of how the fight went, it was a bit humbling to know that there were people who wielded so much power in this world.

When she entered inside, the whole place was bustling with activity. Some adventurers were browsing the quest boards, some were drinking with their friends or eating meals with joyful laughter.

On the wall behind the counter, in ornate display hung a huge sword, dark blue in color.

"Good day, what can I help you with?" A soft voice greeted her when she neared the counter. Luna smiled at her new guest immediately recognizing the official attire.

"Good day to you too. I'm searching for two adventures, both relatively new. One man by the name of Deku, and a young woman named Creati. Could you possibly point me in the direction of their stay?" Sena spoke officially, not wasting any time.

"Oh i am sorry, but the two of them accompanied by Darkness and Deku's summoned guardian spirit went on an escort mission to the town of Arkton. They started the journey... Eight days ago i think." The blonde replied, bowing slightly to the kingdom's official.

"The party they joined is based in the outer parts of the city, near the west gate. The party leader, Kazuma Satou, owns a large house and its their place of stay when they are in town." She decided to add, giving a bit more information to the woman.

"I heard that Creati was the one leading the defense of the town, why isn't she the leader of their party then?" Sena asked our of pure curiosity.

"Oh the group they joined was former nearly half a year before they arrived in this town. I guess they didn't want to destroy the already established dynamic of the team, or something like that. I never really thought about that until now..." Luna mused.

"I wanted to ask, what is that sword on the wall? It looks really ominous, looking at it sends shivers down my spine." Sena asked, giving in to her curiosity yet again. She wasn't attuned to the arcane forces, but she clearly could feel something bad from the blade.

"Ah, this is the sword of Beldia the Dullahan. Deku allowed the guild to take it in as the trophy of his victory when he registered with us. It is cursed but when we regain a bit of our wealth we will post a quest to purify it. For now our funds are redirected to repairs and reconstructions of the guild warehouses." The blonde supplied surprising the bespectacled woman before her.

"I guess he didn't need such powerful weapon if he already had something stronger than that. What weapon was he even using to defeat such a monster?" At those words Luna smiled, laughing inside at the incoming reaction.

"I saw him fight barehanded with that Mitsurugi fellow. His moves and punches were so powerful he was literally kicking up a dust storm. He finished the duel by punching that armored idiot across the field straight into the third floor of the guild." Sena had to consciously prevent her jaw from dropping. It would seem that the King finally found someone he was searching for.

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