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youve  got  my  

words  twisted  tongue

tied  you  know

i  cant  describe

the  feeling  deep


Chapter 3 Part 2: What's Your Motive?

The break of dawn came like clockwork. Despite whatever darkness may remain during the morning, people flocked to corrupted building, seeking the delusion that is god. The church is open to all. If they are willing to pay the price of devotion. They, among many, viciously steal from both the poor and rich. Offerings to the church, what a laughable joke. Surely they do not believe their earnings go directly towards the lord? 

The thought nearly made the high priest chuckle. They'd arrived at the church at the break of dawn, already in robes draped with gold linings that sealed the closing of expensive fabric provided by those they take advantage of. It was considered more of a cathedral by the overbearing government. The high ceilings, spacious platforming for the organs, and orchestra that made tears prick at the eyes of those who listened. They walked near the isle only to jump in surprise.

"Boo." The man muttered, a dead stare upon his face. He sat in full attire, his coat combating the priest's robes as both had been laced with gold, his brown shiny boots complemented his expensive look as he sat with his left leg crossed over the other and hands stretcher over the rest of the bench.

He nearly chuckled at the heinous expression on the priest's face. Their long, shaggy, brown hair peaked from their holy head ornament, that clarified high status. "Demon," the priest scowled upon taking in his form. They knew of this man's true nature and the things he'd done.

"Rid yourself from this area." Their tone was cruel, and cold. For this priest had no tolerance for roots of evil, especially not this one. A tangled past and a broken deal.

"I would have never thought this would be the path you take. Did the chapel not care for you well? I suppose being a nun did not leave you enough power?" He chuckled with malice, his tone becoming almost mocking. His eyes being not the previous tone of ruby, but now the tone of a fine chocolate.

"Silence heathen!" The priest glared at the man, shooting daggers with their eyes. They'd silenced the unholy man for a few moments, in which he only stared at them, eyes unmoving, lifeless. The priest internally prayed he was having a stroke in that moment, but of course, they'd not prayed hard enough it seemed. The man had exhaled quietly, and stood on his feet. In any other occasion had this been a normal person, they'd be already receiving treatment of the lord after an offering. Yet, this man could not be saved.

He slowly walked over to the firm priest, his steps echoing within the cathedral. "I can help you," he whispered tenderly, coming within direct eyesight of the priest.

"Haleigh, please allow me to help you." The use of the priest sent angry shockwaves throughout their body. Turning harshly, the man was given a sharp shove. He staggered backwards slightly. "The church has no place for the creations of Satan." They spat menacingly, their honey eyes turning away harshly from the dark skinned male. 

"Strike a deal with me-", he started, only to be snipped.

"Absolutely not." The high priest snapped.

"Trust me. Like you used to," he mumbled the last part, softly hoping to have not been heard. The priest's head slowly began to turn towards him. "I will offer the church one hundred thousand dollars."

Their eyes grew big, their brown hair whipping in his direction. The priest stared in disbelief at the man's words. "In exchange for?"  they asked eagerly, in shock at the amount at stake.

"Treat the Haven sisters well, and offer protection when I cannot." His words were warm, as he meant them. Confusion struck the face of the priest, they looked up at the man whom had spoken. They nodded slowly. One hundred thousand dollars...would secure them for many, many years to come. This was an opportunity brought upon by the gods. Albeit ironic. 

"Any conditions broken from this deal, and funding shall be withdrawn is this understood?" He looked directly into the eyes of the brown haired priest, searching for confirmation, and security.

"Tell me, do you intend to wed those women?" The priest smirked, a laugh escaping their mouth at the expression that took on the man's face.

The count blushed red hot, his hand hovered over the lower half of his face. "Irrelevant, do we have a deal?"

"We do. I trust you, for now Leon." They sighed, a calm in their chest erupting as they turned away from the suffocating presence of the immortal being. "Thank you, your kindness will be rewarded."

A line the church uses after an offering is made. Haleigh whipped around, only to find the man gone. A medium sized box in his place.

Making their way over to it, they placed their god given hands over said box, slowly pushing it open.

There lie, one hundred thousand dollars in full. As promised.

"What exactly is your motive...?" The priest questioned aloud.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2021 ⏰

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