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happy  birthday  to

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happy  birthday  to

you  happy  birthday

my  dearest  girl

Special Chapter 1: Lucky Girl

"SURPRISE!" The small crowd of people yelled, and flickered lights simultaneously.

The girl that'd just walked through the door flinched for a moment, 'surprised' at the well, surprise. Her nimble hands cupped together and covered a section of her god sculpted face, her deep brown eyes fluttered open and closed. A perfect smile grew from beneath her hands,

"You guys," she started, eyes nearly glossed with tears. "you didn't ha-"

"Ah, ah ah, don't even say it because, yes we did. What kind of friends would we be if we didn't?" A jet black haired girl spoke up, stepping towards her. Molly walked towards the soft spoken, chocolate skinned girl and gave her a hug, which was quickly over powered by everyone going in to hold the special girl on her birthday.

Holding a camera, a blonde girl with sparkling blue eyes nearly pounced on the two, her arms open wide and enveloping the whole team in a warm hug, "Happy birthday, Alyssa!"

Glossed lips were planted on the birthday girl's forehead, a quick kiss was bestowed on her from plump lips from a close friend, "We love you Alyssa, happy birthday!" Yai spoke, her curly hair in twin pom poms extensuating her features.

Alyssa's smile grew, she moved her braids from the center of her face, fishing two behind her ears.

In a flash, a tiny hat in the shape of a cone that held strings of confetti decor near the top, a small doodle of a duck imprinted on the hat.

The room had sparkly decor, tiny ducks were to be found everywhere, confetti laced the ground along with the tables.

Huge balloons spelling out 17, were floating statically along with custom flac signs that spelled, "Happy Birthday, Alyssa". She looked around, her gaze lingering on the table, set with foods freshly cooked.

"Oh, here they come." Yai nodded in the direction of the entrance of the kitchen, her mouth opening to the tune of a sound, as did everyone else's.

Coming from the kitchen, were the two males holding a warm three layered, fondant covered, and edible bedazzled cake. Holding it carefully in their hands, they opened their mouths to sing along with everyone else within the room excluding the birthday girl,

Happy birthday to you,

Happy birthday to you,

Happy birthday, dear Alyssa,

Happy birthday to you!

The mocha skinned male with stark black hair frizzy spoke up, "Cha cha cha!" He cheered with childlike excitement gleaming in his eyes, igniting a giggle from a few in the room.

The two males slowly carried the cake towards the girl. "Careful," the second boy carrying it, with fair skin and led like short deep brown hair warned their counterpart, "don't drop it." they chuckled with a smile on his face that made his glasses shift slightly. They continued the song,

How old are you now?

How old are you now?

How old are you now?

Happy birthday to you!

"Hold on!", A new voice sounded from the kitchen. Out came the long, brown haired person wiping their hands on their red apron and swiftly pulling out number candles.

"You forgot these," they smiled, their brown eyes lighting up. Coming close, they carefully placed the sticks of wax inside of the cake softly, in aesthetically pleasing spots. "Make a wish, Alyssa." Haleigh said warmly, a smile playing on their face.

Swiftly, they were handed a green lighter from Leon, which they used to light up both candles.

Taking a deep breath Alyssa, closed her eyes in a cliche like manner, and stood on her tippy toes to blow out the candles simultaneously. Hands were placed on her shoulder, nearly making her jump, "What'd you wish for?" Molly smirked, tapping her fingers lightly on the melanin skin of Alyssa's shoulder.

"Girl, you aren't supposed to ask that...then it won't come true," Yai scolded as she nudged Molly.

"It can't be a crime to know! I just wanna know," Molly began to comically sulk, like a character out of a show to which Yai shook her head in ignorance.

"I just wished," Alyssa started, the attention falling on her. "for it to always be like this." She chuckled, a sweet smile on her face. Molly perked up.

"We'll do our best, to make it like this every year." Haleigh rubbed the palms of their hands softly onto her back in comforting circles.

Shifting backwards slightly, the males that held the cake looked at each other briefly and shared a quick laugh before placing it down in the center of the table. Leon cleared his throat, an in a natural french accent, he jokingly announced, "Let them eat cake!" He smiled cheekily at the group in front of him.

"Let them eat cake." Alyssa echoed sweetly.

Special Chapter 1: Lucky Girl

Happy birthday, Alyssa!

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