Lookout Friends Business

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Abblin: Yes, it's me. I didn't know you all will be here.

Ryder: Abblin? Is that you?

Abblin: Yes, it's me, Ryder. *removes her sunglasses*

(A/N~ Pause It, right there! How does Abblin know Ryder? Check out BerylhannahRy 's story! She met him in Adventure Bay and later, saved his life! No more spoilers! Read the book yourself!)

Ryder: Wow, you have grown a lot!

Abblin: I don't see any changes in you. But your voice sounds deeper than before.

Nate: Didn't I tell you that you've grown?

Ryder: M-my voice? 😳

Andrew: I agree as well!

Ryder: Uh.. I.. um..

Mace: Don't worry. You're still you.

Ryder: Okay, thanks..

Abblin: Who are these girls?

Zephy & Chais: AHEM! AHEM!

Abblin: And boys..

Ryder: Visitor friends. This is Natalie, Lesley, Lea, Andrea, Mace, Fira, Shiny, Chais and Zephy. Everyone, this is Abblin.

All: Hi Abblin!

Abblin: Hello everyone.

Natalie: Wait a second. I recognize you.. Are you the writer of PAW Patrol Save Themselves, or something like that?

Abblin: That's me! Lemme guess. Are you the writer of the Q & A Book?

Natalie: Yeah!

Ryder & Lesley: Don't remind me!

Others: *laugh*

Natalie: Great to meet you!

Abblin: You too.

(A/N~ I don't know what's wrong with me. I mixed up Beryl and Abblin together, for some reason. Lmao)

Natalie: Why were you taking down notes?

Abblin: You see, I don't have much courage to make so many friends. So I wanted to take down notes on some tips of how to have friends.

Natalie: I get it! It's okay. We are all your friends!

Abblin: Are you? I mean, you are!

Ryder:  Most of you all know each other, I see.

Lea: Yes. I know, right!

Chais: So, where do you live Abblin?

Abblin: India. I just came here for a visit.

Lesley: How did you come in our airplane then? It was from Saudi Arabia's plane.

Abblin: About that. I'm just.. okay. I saw in the computer which plane is the most full to go to Adventure Bay, and you all were there, so I came to your place and rode your plane.

Zephy: Interesting.

Andrea: Hm.. *whispers to Natalie*

Natalie: *gasp*  That's a great idea! Um.. Ryder?

Ryder: Sí? I mean, yes?

Natalie: What do you think about the 9.. or 10 of us to stay in the Lookout? You know, like a sleepover. But for a few days.

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