011; history with some salt on top

Start from the beginning

Byton looked at George with those cold eyes that his father used to look at him with. He couldn't stand George's crying, it was annoying. Were all newborns that annoying?

Not to mention, George took his own trait of looks. Yes, the boy still had silver-white hair, but his features were completely different. It reminded Byton of his father. How how he hated his father so much for giving him such a tough life.

As George grew, he resembles more and more of his father, and it made him terrified. He knows that he's being a coward. Like seriously, scared of his own son?

George absolutely looked up to Byton. Even though he was mean, there was this faith that made him believe that Byton would love him as a child one day. Obviously, George was jealous of Louis, but he also didn't want to be pampered to that extent. Sometimes it even made George pity his little brother.

When Louis was born, Byton thought that the other one was going to be another annoying baby, but once he actually gotten a close look-

Oh, god. Louis looks just like his mother. Not to mention, as Louis grows, he has a more feminine  body.

'Maybe the younger one's not that bad..' Was what Byton thought at that time when Louis was born. The first few years of Louis' life was perfect. Louis had a perfect dad, mom, albeit not the perfect brother but that's okay. Not everything was meant to be perfect.

George on the other hand, faced a completely different treatment. He got no love from his father, and his mother only spoke to him when she needed to. Books were his best friend, but books still couldn't heal his numb heart. But thanks to the crown prince, he wasn't that lonely anymore. Still, nothing could replace a family's love. And the crown prince's love was not enough. Not to mention, the prince's hobby kind of freaked him out a bit..

It was always Louis, Louis, Louis. 'God, if they were so obsessed with Louis, why don't they just marry him?' Was what Young George thought as he bitterly looked at the happy family that excluded him.

Louis was in his own perfect little world to realize that George felt left out and unloved.

George craved for that love.

One day, the duchess passed away due to some illness that the cure hasn't been found yet. What was the illness again? Sumi couldn't really remember that but in his old world, they probably had a vaccine for it. So basically, medicine from medieval times suck. Sumi would hate to be sick in this world.

Byton's heart snapped in half.

Byton still remembered her last words. "Protect the boy." Which boy? Isn't it already obvious? She was talking about Louis. But his brain probably couldn't function at that time and he took his anger out on Louis, who was meant to be protected. It seriously made him regret what he had done to his youngest. But there was nothing he could do, as he had already hurt his youngest.

Byton's eyes glowed blue (no longer silver) as he created a spear of ice and literally stabbed his youngest on the right leg. He only snapped out of it when he heard Louis' painful cries. It was only then that Byton was hit with a wave of guilt and terror. He was just so angry that he couldn't control himself.


Oh God. What the hell did he do?!

He couldn't handle the guilt anymore and ordered an elite mage to erase Louis' memories of the accident. The stab was that deep that Louis' leg couldn't even function properly. Even though Byton felt bad, he also didn't want Louis to hate him because of the incident. The leg could still walk, its just bothersome. This part was kept hidden in the otome game, so Sumi doesn't know about this, teehee.

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