Chapter 12

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I haven't talked to either of the spirits for 29 hours straight, a new record. Like always my insomnia kept me up this late at night, so i tried to use my senses to inspect the entire house and see who was actually living in it. I could sense the dog sleeping next door and the girl across the hall- Skylynn. The kitchen was empty and the living room was vacant. Nash slept on the couch across from my bed as he wanted to keep me safe from the nightmares, along with skylynn sleeping with a special dream catcher in her room just for me. Two parents deeply in love slept upstairs along with their son Hayes, the mother nervously thinking about her "special" guest and the father dreaming of the wonderful life he had built for himself and his family. The mother heavily judged me, a horrible fear lurking inside her. I was dangerous to her here, i hadn't realized what my presense could do to people. The mother was scared that i would hurt them, she didn't like that i wasn't one of nash's normal and not messed up youtube friends. Yes, i had been very nice to all of them- although i still had tears rolling down my cheeks when i was welcomed inside. After Skylnn and Hayes had fallen asleep Nash and i had told his parents about my father and mother and how i could no longer live with my father because i was being abused both sexually and physically. I promised i would leave as soon as i could, and i swore no harm would come to the family from myself. The father told me he was going to appoint me a lawyer that would help me with my legal custody and a rightful amount of cash, the mother gave me her solemn apologies and said she would be "just fine" with me staying for as long as i needed too. I knew she truly wanted to kick me out but i made her son happy and she would do anything to keep her children that way. But yet i could sense she wasn't the only one in the house that was frightened- there was someone else in fear, fear of being known. There was someone else in this house- hiding from the rest of the family. They had no idea that i knew they were here, they had just assumed no one would ever know that they lived with the family in this house. How long this spirit had been using this place for shelter i would probably never know, but i knew it had been a long time- way before Nash and his family had moved here. I could feel it's oldness, almost 900 years of age. This spirit was dead, but was as alive in their eyes as Nash and I were. My body moved on it's own, my mind making up itself. I wanted to talk to them- i needed to know who they were. It had been stuck in it's form for so long that i could feel it's greatness in power, much more powerful of a spirit then i had ever been able to connect with. I was scared that i would die in a few minutes so soon after finally being rescued from my father and all of the spirits in my home, but my curiosity was to strong and i found myself walking down the hall into the kitchen towards a light brown door that seemed to have no importance. The basement, the perfect hideout for a spirit. My heart raced and i needed to make up my mind, was i going down? Spirits were more dangerous and killing at night, but there was no other time i would be able to connect with them. My hand rested upon the door handle and i turned, my heart racing in it's socket. As the door opened fully i was exposed to the darkness of the basement- a pitch black aura that would make this exploration a lot harder then i was expecting. I looked behind me one time to check my surroundings, and then i stepped into the darkness with only the dim light of the kitchen to barley show me my surroundings.

The monster came for me again in my dream again, they told me i was going to die. They told me that they were hungry and they'd feed of me and my family. But the dream was different, because Grace was in it. She yelled at the monsters to get away from me and that she would sacrifice herself for me and the family. I didn't understand what that meant, but i knew it was trouble because the monster was reaching out for her. I tried to scream but nothing came out, all i could do was watch. I wasn't even breathing but i was still alive. Woah- i have superpowers in my dream now? That's cool! But still I was stuck, all i could do was watch as grace got closer and closer to the monster's hand. She didn't even look scared by the monster, i wish i was that brave in my dreams. I wanted to use my powers and float away to saftey but i couldn't leave Grace here. "Nash!" i cried- in the real world or the dream i didn't know. I needed Nash before Grace got eaten by the big scary monster. "Nashhhh please help!" I cried even louder this time as the fist closed around Grace and clenched her. She screamed in pain and took little breaths. "Grace no!" Suddenly i was being rocked back and forth in Nash's arms- him soothing me with soft and gentle kisses. I was back in the real world, but was Grace still in the dream? "Nash where's Grace is she okay i don't think she is we need to-" he chuckled and placed me back in bed. "Your so silly Skylynn, she's just in bed sound asleep like you should be." My heart slowed down and i smiled. "Okay- goodnight Nash." "You too Skylynn, don't let any monsters in your dreams for the rest of the night okay?" "Yeah i'll try." After Nash had given Skylynn a goodnight kiss he closed the door and that is when he started panicking.

Nash- "Grace?" i whispered as i crept around the house. I remembered Grace telling me about how she had nightmares, and the dream Skylynn had described to me had sounded just like a simpler version of one of Grace's. Skylynn had descriptive nightmares that usually ended up happening, such as the time she described being a princess that was attacked by a hyena- and later that day on Disney on ice a hyenna attacked the lion princess. So if Skylynn said Grace was in trouble, then i wouldn't be shocked to find Grace hurt in real life, or worst. "Grace? Answer me- where are you?" There was only silence and the sound of my heart ramming up against my chest. The first night she had come to my house and i had already let her hurt herself? What a great promise- keeper i am. I walked around the corner to the last bathroom and it was vacant. Fuck. Maybe she was in the kitchen and she couldn't hear me? Inching towards the kitchen entrance i thought i heard a muffled banging sound on the door. "Grace?" i whispered as i rested my hand on the door knob. Nothing. Just the silence. A complete sense of panic took over me and i slowly opened the door expecting something horrifying. Except there was just the kitchen, the same way it had been set up a few hours ago. Where was that banging sound coming from then? I searched all around the kitchen for her but she was not here. I guess she left the house, she must've been scared. I would go get dressed and drive around town to look for her. As i solemnly went to leave the kitchen i heard the sound again, louder then last time. "what the- basement!" i hustled over to the door and pulled it open immediatly to a worn out/frightened looking Grace. She almost screamed but i covered her mouth with my hand. "It's okay- it's just me and the creepy fucking basement." She giggled and i muffled it with my hand- and then i embraced her in a tight bear hug.

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