Chapter 10

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*Flashforward a few days since the call*

Trudging down the chaotic hallways I sighed in annoyance as yet another's strangers shoulder ramed into me and caused me to drop all of my binders and books. I stood waiting for the kid to mutter an apology or at least help me pick up all of my books and binders but he just kept walking. Asshole. I knelt down on the filthy high school floor and shuttered in disgust as i collected all of my books. Even though I somewhat enjoyed learning and education- I completely despised the building and all of the students inside of it. With no friends in school to bond with or boys to flirt with- school was hell for me. Although I knew i never would have a best friend or a boyfriend because of my mute, deep inside of me i longed to find someone to call a friend or a lover. Maybe after being in L.A. for a few months i could actually make a better life for myself.  As i stood up holding the books that had fallen, i felt a backpack slam into my body, forcing my back to hit against the lockers. Not responding to the persons hardly audible apology, i fought back an intense urge to cry. Opening my mouth to snap a come back - i instead found myself trying to make noises with only air. Every time I couldn't speak it caught me by surprise- i had to realize that i would never be able to talk again. Clearing my head of the depressing thoughts, i finally reached B building where my culinary class was located. I picked up my pace in hopes of making it to my next class on time. In my rush towards the classroom, a soft almost muted male cried out; "Hey someone help!". Turning my body towards the direction of the voice, I took in the sight of the janitors closet. Laughing inside at my own imagination i sped away, a million questions swarming through my head. Why did i imagine a voice cry out? Why was the voice a male's? Was there a reason it came from the janitors closet? What is my heart trying to tell me? About half way down the hall way i froze, my urge to get the answers to my questions was way to powerful to cast aside. Jogging back to the door, i stared at it in curiosity. Slowly inching closer to the handle i cautiously wrapped my hand around it, fear pulsing through my ears. Was this some kind of way god was paving a path for my life? Was this going to change my entire world somehow? Pressing my ear against the door as quietly and stealthily as possible another sudden outburst of a cry for help caused me to double back and gasp. Having confirmed my suspicions i grasped the rusted handle and yanked the closet door open. Standing in the middle of the closet is what seemed to be a 20 year old man wearing a buttoned down shirt with long black khakis. Well this defintley isn't the path god gave you for a boyfriend... I thought about the situation. Furrowing my brow in confusion he turned around to me with a grin. "Oh thank god I thought i was never going to get out of here." he spoke to me with a clearly noticable british accent. British? Why the hell was an attractrive british man in the possibly smallest town of oakland? Oh whatever it didn't matter. He took a step towards me and i instinctually shuffled back, not trusting anyone other than my grandpa. No one was ever able to stop themselves from laughing at my mute, they all did. "Hey hey it's okay don't be frightened by the extremley tall stranger inside the janitors closet." Laughing at his own corny joke i hurriedly spun around and exited the closet. Thank the god's that the whole thing was over. "Thanks for that incredible path for nothing god." I silently yelled towards the ceiling. I speedily made my way down the halls trying to get to my class and only be at least 5 minutes late and also bypass the strange man that was now chasing after me. I completley ignored his presence as he yelled out after me many times. "Hey! Come here please!" was the last thing he yelled towards me before suddenly his large sweaty palm grabbed my flannel and tugged me back. I turnt around with an anger and fright mixture flowing throughout my veins as i meet the eyes of this 20 year old stranger. Piercing blue eyes, a pale complexion, a short stubble, and a dirty brunette- yes this British man was highly attractive. "Hey i'm really sorry for creeping you out. It's my first day at the school and i was looking for kleenex for the classroom and it ended up that when the door closed for the closet, it locked! So yeah i'm not having the most efficent first day actually." He chucked and i gave a quick smile back towards him. He stared at me, probably waiting for me to speak, and i had absolutley no clue what to do. I sighed and turnt to my backpack and pulled out the paper that would ruin the for once normal relationship i was sharing with a teacher. His eyes scanned over the paper that read my mental issue and i waited for the forgivness he would plead me with after reading the paper, like every other teacher had already done. As he looked up at me, his responding words shocked me and also greatly surprized me. "Thats actually pretty cool, your still able to maintain high grades even without the use of words. That's really impressive uh- sabrina is it?" I smiled and nodded no while pointing to my name written in the middle of the paper. "Savanah, very pretty name. Well savanah, it was a pleasure meeting you but i really have to get to class." He started to walk back the hallway i had came when he stopped walking and sighed. Still looking down the halway i had came from he spoke- "Actually... i don't really know where my classroom is now. Shi- i mean oh darn." I made a somewhat laughing sound and pulled out the dry erase marker and board from my backpack. He strided back to me and i asked him on the white board what room number his classroom is. He responded nervously "Uhhh- 104?" English teacher, how was i not surprised. I signaled him down towards the end of the hallway and guided him to take the sharp left and not the slight left- that would have taken him to metal working. He responded with a big thanks and as he made his way down the left turn he suddenly stopped and jogged back so he was in hearing range of me. "By the way savanah- my name is Mr. Evans." As he quickly and un-proficiently made his way towards his classroom- the latest any teacher had ever been to his class, i walked the other direction with a half grin and rising blush. Deep down inside of me a relization suddenly came over me. I had just made my first friendship in this school.

Important authors note~ I am so sorry for not posting anything. I basically have no excuses other then laziness and fear that this story wasn't good and that i should delete it. I am trying my best to dedicate myself to the story and make sure you guys as the readers are enjoying it but the real question is- are you enjoying it? Cause if your not i will delete and/ or come up with other ideas. And also, if you DO have any requests for stories that i should write send me a message! I've been thinking of making a wattpad with a few cute and maybe even sexual short imagines- Good idea or nawh? It would be different imagines and stuff. Haven't come up with a huge and thoughout plan yet cause i'm still unsure. So again inbox me and just help me out here- i hope you enjoy the chapter! Should be new chapters every saturday or sunday varying my scheduele :) - kitty.

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