Chapter 13

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*Back to the day of the call*
After the fastest sprint to my Grandfather i had ever made even though i knew it would infuriate my Grandmother i listened as my grandfather held a conversation with the man on the phone. I could hardly contain my excitement. "My Granddaughter here has a condition in which i'm sure you know, it's called mute. She cannot currently speak but she is able to use sign language and I'm sure that there's an app that could be used for the meet and greets. I'm sure that this won't affect the way this contest proceeds will it sir? Thank you Sir- you're a good man." I proceeded to give him a large smile, my life having just flipped like a scrambled egg. "Yes of course she is comfortable in front of crowds and will perform at these meet and greets with no problem- she will just need to someone to actually talk for her or an app that will allow her to talk. Now what are the details for this trip?" Although i couldn't hear the response all i knew was that this trip was going to be the best few months of my entire life ever since my parents had been alive- nothing could ruin this for me. Except possibly my Grandmother. Already she had a cold hard stare set on me; but knowing she was just trying to frighten me i did not let her provoke me. This was my first real outbreak in life, i wasn't going to let this slip away. I would make myself a better person so these L.A youtube boys didn't expect what was coming for them. I wasn't going to change my personal image for some boys because i had no reason to be self-confident in myself, but i wanted to make my personality bolder and more positive. These boy's just wanted to have fun and i wasn't going to stop them from having it, and i was going to enjoy some fun for myself. Looking back at my Grandmother who looked at me with angered eyes i did something i knew would aggravate her even more; I flashed a bright smile towards her. I truly meant it too, her foolish behaivor made me smile. Why let someone's jealousy affect me? Her first reaction that i could read on her face was fear; but it quickly washed over to shock. Over what seemed to have been 15 minutes now; my Grandfather finally ended the call and looked up to me. "Well Savanah- your going to L.A". I jumped up and down with happy tears running down my face as i gave my Grandfather a huge hug. "Actually no you're not, you can't just leave us elders here alone." With a new emotion growing inside me i looked to my Grandfather and signaled him what i was trying to say as my Grandmother had been to much of a prick to take the sign language classes with my Grandfather and I. He looked at me with a slight smirk and a growing spark in my eyes, he was proud that i was finally standing up for myself. "Lucy, Savanah said that she has finally experienced a great perhaps in her life and she refuses to give that up. She said that we have been alone by ourselves before and that we have handeled ourselves just fine; and although she will be very worried about us she knows that we have enough energy to handle ourselves." It was dead silent for what seemed like forever, until my Grandmother turned to her method of harassment to make me feel bad. "First we take this insane girl into the safety of our home after she murdered her own parents, so we're forced to yet again parent a daughter. And to top off this entire mess she's so retarded that she can't talk. After all we do for her the least she can do is care for her elders but no; she has to abandon us for some stupid youtubers that will never care about you." No, i thought to myself. I wasn't going to deal with this. Giving her a look of self pity for the awful person she was i turned to my Grandfather and passed him on another message. "She says that the only one that's ever parented her... is her parents and myself. She says that she is tired of you harrasing both Me and I-" In a sudden movement she shoved her chair back and screamed at me. "What a bitch you are! What makes you think that these boys and all the people that are watching you will like you anyways? You're part Latino, your not 90 pounds like all those other youtube girls, And you're not even beautiful! All you have are simply tolerable feautures and you're only self pitied by everyone! That is why you still don't get bullied or hated on Savanah! Your stupid disorder seperates you from everyone else and they self pity you! Not having friends isn't the worst god damn thing in the world Savanah let me tell you. You're just a barley attractive self pitied girl that will mean nothing to those youtubers!" I was completely offended underneath but i wasn't going to let it affect me. I supposed the two of them thought i was going to run to my room and cry while enwrapping myself in my sorrows, but this time it was different. I wasn't going to let this old bag of bones hurt me anymore. Turning to my Grandfather who looked at his wife in utter anger & shock I signalled him to say the worst I had ever said. Fortunately for me he laughed and looked staraight at my Grandmother. "She said fuck you and your advice; and that she is also leaving one way or another because she doesn't care what you think about her. She told me that she did indeed have friends so you could shut up, and that she has confidence and she will not let you break it." Suddenly moving in a way that i hadn't even told my body to do i strode over to my Grandmother and enveloped her in a hug that left her traumatized. I signaled my Grandfather one last message in which he responded with a kiss on the forehead; "you go princess." My Grandfather walked over to my Grandmother and took her face in his hands and told her my message- "She said I love you darling, even though after all you've done to her you don't deserve it."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2015 ⏰

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