Chapter 9

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Slamming my foot on the accelerator, i sped my car down the road, knowing how little time she had before her dad would finally catch up to her. Having heard her cry over the phone and her dad violently yelling at her in the background - i couldn't wait any longer to come and meet her. Sure it was about a 2 hour drive to get to her house, but I would do anything for her- including speeding so much that i cut the drive down to only an hour. Darting my eyes around I searched for my best friend, The one who I've only ever seen over a computer screen. "Come on grace- where are you?" I mumbled to myself as i noticed the lack of people on the streets. I knew she had told me to meet her near here- we had always talked about meeting each other. I would drive my car onto the street where she would be leaning on the street sign- trying to look 'chill'. But I would end up making her laugh and than picking her up and spinning her in my arms. It had been a distant dream at the time- but now it was finally a reality. She has to be here, she has to be. I couldn't lose her when i was so close. Feeling my phone buzz in my back pocket, I pulled over and searched through the disaster of my car- finally finding it pocketed underneath the passenger seat. "grace?" I waited and listened as she let out a sob before stuttering "nas- nash where ar- are you?" "Hey grace don't cry, it's okay. I'm on peak road." Giving her a few minutes to figure out where I was- she finally let out a gasp. "You're like 2 streets away! Oh my god I'm running to you!" Feeling her breath pick up I knew she had started running, so I started the car and slowly drove forward. Feeling exhilarated, I realized this was finally happening. I was finally meeting her, the real her. Not just over the computer screen, in the flesh. Passing by some fat man with a beer bottle in his hand, yelling out random shit that made no sense- somewhere inside of me dread took over. That had to be him. Turning my head to take another look at the man, i saw the resemblance. The same brown hair, same shape of the eyes, but they had a different shape of the body- and her nose was smaller than his. "Grace- grace are you still there?" The line was dead. Oh no- i was leading her into a trap. He would see her, and than she would be dead. Shit. Driving a little faster, I suddenly noticed the sound of feet hitting the pavement. Turning my head to the left, my heart stopped beating. It was her, it was really her! Her waist was even smaller than over the camera, and her eyes looked less blue than I thought they were, and to be honest i could obviously see the lack of makeup- but i didn't/wouldn't ever care because she still looked beautiful. Placing my foot on the brake, i came to a complete stop- and jumped out of the car. I ran faster than i ever have- and then she saw me. Her face lit up and she smiled, tears in her eyes- and started running even faster to me. In a matter of seconds i had taken her into my arms, and held her close to me- barley noticing the tears streaming down both of our cheeks. "Nash." i pulled away and looked down at her, smiling. "Oh wow, your really short." She giggled- something i had never heard her do before. It was kind of weird, an octave lower than it should've been, a snort in between her laughs, but i didn't care. I finally was with her, that's all that mattered to me. I tightened my grip around her, as I heard glass break on the pavement. Shit, i forgot about him. "Grace." I whispered in her ear as her body ran stiff. "Don't move or make a sound." I instructed her as we both heard him start to walk on down the street. "Where the fuck did the slut go!" He yelled out as he stumbled into some ones trash can- knocking it over. Her body trembled in my arms, and i cursed her father for doing this to her. She had dealt with more pain than most people ever had to. But i was here for her now, I wasn't going to let him hurt her ever again.


Oh my god. My body shook as I realized that i had lost to my drunken father again. Crying out of despair, Nash put his large warm hand over my mouth- quickly hushing me. As I watched my father trip over his own feet, yelling out curses to himself, i felt a burning hatred inside. He had ruined my life- no one could restore my past. I would never be the same, never be able to forget. I wished I could have experienced my childhood without my father, because even after abusing and raping me multiple times- i knew somewhere deep inside that I still loved him. Once upon a time he was one of my idols- someone who was always there for me. But now he was living hell for me. I couldn't go back, no matter how I felt. No matter the consequences. I was going to become stronger- I was going to show the world just how much I needed him to live my life.

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