Chapter 8

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A/n: guys I'm so so sorry for not updating- my summer just went by so fast, and now im back in school and it all went by so fast and i was sooo busy i really didn't even have enough time to tell you i'd be continuing. I promise that i'll have a chapter up by every saturday now that i'll have enough time. Well well- where were we? ;)


Oh no. I didn't think he would have cameron actually come. Shit! Cam would tell the truth about what really happened, and than mom would purposely hire someone to abuse me but not kill me, knowing that's what i really wanted. My heart sunk as he sat in the chair and met eye contact with me. I hoped somewhere deep inside that he could see the exact story i had told Mr. Garett through my eyes, but i knew that it was impossible. I was doomed. As Mr. Garett turned to question cameron his phone rang, and i let out a breath i didn't realize i was holding. As he glanced over to his phone he sighed and groaned "I have to take this hold on." Standing up and walking out the door i heard him say- "Hi honey, yes i am in work. No i can't go pick up milk!" before he closed the door and i was left in a room, sitting awkwardly with a boy who didn't know anything about me. Before he could say anything i quickly blurted out - "You walked in on me, thought i was dead, and i scared the girl you were with when i rolled over. She got everyone else's attention by running down the halls screaming- and i walked over to the bucket and threw up because my stomach hurt. Oh and i didn't do it on purpose." He took a minute to let this sink in before responding "And why the hell do you think i'm going to listen to you after what i saw you do?" I looked to the floor and let a tear run down my cheek as i realized that i was screwed no matter what i did. This kid was obviously some jerk mouthed, popular, snob that wanted attention- and he was going to tell Mr. Garett the truth and tell him what i had just told him to say. Fuck. As Mr. Garett walked back into the room with an exasperated sigh, I looked at cam one more time, praying to god that somewhere in his heart he would decide to roll along with me. As he sat down, i instantly made eye contact with the ground again, not wanting to see the expression on either of the mens faces. "Cameron- Derek is it?" "Dallas sir." "Ah thats right. Dallas." He chuckled to himself for a minute before turning back to Cam. "Okay so as you saw, Our friend Sierra over here had a little 'incident' today." "Yes sir." He responded. My breathing started to pick up as i forced myself to stay calm. "You can't have a panic attack right now sierra! Suck it up!" "Can you tell me exactly what you saw Mr. Dallas?" Taking in a heavy breath i waited anxiously for his response. "Well sir, you see i was trying to find a broom for the science lab in the janitors closet- and my friend Britney was with me." It was silent for a few minutes as he made the final decision about what he was going to say. "When we opened the door sierra was lying on the ground and Britney got scared and ran away screaming. Sierra rolled over groaning, and ran over to a bucket across the room and puked. I guess she had an upset stomach and couldn't make it to the bathroom." I stayed silent as what he said settled in. Yes! He actually followed my story! Looking over at him i mouthed "Thank you" as Mr. Garett scribbled down what he had said. Looking over the same fake story we had told him about what had happened he sighed as he realized they were both so alike they had to be true. "Okay you two are free to go- sierra, don't let this happen again. And i hope you feel better." I slowly stood up from the uncomfortable office chair, smiled at him, and walked out of the room before either of them could talk to me again. As i made my way down to the halls i tried to think about what class i was in at the time. "Calculus? No no you already had that... Humanities? Damn it- you missed it. Maybe you have-" before i could finish discussing my schedule in my head i heard a yell of my name behind me. Oh god. Trying to walk even faster i felt a arm wrap around my skinny waist and turn me around. "Hey!" I screamed as i spun right into cam's chest.


Holding her against my chest i force down the urge to smile at her scowling face. She looks adorable with her face all scrunched up in anger. Wait what? "Let go of me!" She grumbled as i tightened my grip on her. Shaking the thoughts from my mind quickly, I released her from my grasp and watched as she stepped away and brushed off her shoulders. "What do you want?" She snapped as she glared at me. "Hey! Don't snap at me! I just saved your ass for no reason, what the hell was that whole thing about anyways?" She rolled her eyes and responded "nothing." Before starting to walk away. Wow- what a fucking bitch. "Sierra, hey! Your going to have to tell me what the hell just happened or i'll go back to Mr. Garett and tell him what i saw!" She stopped in her tracks, before spinning on her heels and pointing a finger at me. "You don't know me, or my life." She started strutting over to me, her face bright red from anger. "So why don't you-" and suddenly she was on the ground, holding her knees to her chest- sobbing. Running over to her i wrapped my arms around her and held her as she bawled her eyes out. I didn't know who she was, but i knew i had to help her. She was important, i knew it. Maybe this is what i was meant to do, maybe thats the reason i was the person that walked in on her collapsed in the janitors closet today. I guess it was just my destiny to help her.

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