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HE WAS QUITE LARGE. If you were to guess, the customer was most likely 6 foot at the least. Such life and commotion you previously heard in the bakery was promptly hushed as a means of the customer's arrival. Whispers among the people surfaced, some of which were audible.

"Wow, he's really hot."

"He's super tall!"

"I've never seen him before"

His outfit had been composed of a dark, navy-blue suit, his eyes being covered by the same fabric. The man's hairstyle flaunted tufts of soft, silver hair that stood up and hung lazily in some areas.

Despite the restriction of only seeing half his face, he was surely handsome!

"What clothing brand is that?"

A smile crept its way up to your lips ensuing that last comment. Of course, his outfit was not something you would see everyday, but it was cute! Albeit, it was only a matter of time until you had to rid yourself of such silly daydreams. This was a work environment, not your bedroom. The man's fingers tapped rhythmically against the wooden counter of the cashier, his lips humming a tune that was foreign to you.

"How may I help you?" The man smiled at the tone of your enthusiastic voice.

"You have so many varieties of daifuku, these all look so good! Can I have a sample?" His voice dropped in awe, staring whimsically at the colorful assortments of desserts. On busy days like this, it was routine to reject any requests for samples. If you handed out more samples in comparison to actual orders, that would indeed become an issue, would it not? However, this man was enchanting. It wouldn't hurt to let him try a few, right?

Such touching emotions of human beings. How gestures so simple can lead to actions so complex. Human minds are such an intriguing paradox, don't you think? Following the dawn of Man, sentiments had always been vital to their existence. Oh how Jupiter and Mercury would smile upon you now.

You nodded happily, presenting 3 different types of daifuku in front of the man. Matcha, Ichigo, Mame. Each one was your favorite in a unique way, and secretly you had wished he would take an affinity to them as well.

The customer ate one after another, smiling after every delicate treat. The warm taste of the goodies brought a familiar, tingling sensation to his cheeks. "Can I have a box of the mame ones? They're so good!~" He spoke with a singsong-y voice. You giggled at the man's mannerisms, and nodded.

"They're one of my favorites, too!" You made conversation while you set the daifuku into a neat, beige colored dessert box. It had 9 slots, each of which you filled with mame daifuku. The scent of the sweet delicacies made your heart soar with glee. Of course, with every order, you placed a handwritten note inside.


(Thank you! Come again soon!)

Neatly packaging the order, you set it into a paper bag and handed it over to the man.

"Your order comes out to a total of $14.46!" The man extended his arm to you, change held softly in his hand. As you tried to take the money from him, hot flashes of pain throttled in your head.

Your mind overflowed with gruesome images. Rapidly changing illustrations of those revolting beasts. Powerful monsters, those of which stunk with the lingering scent of the dead. Demons of all shapes and sizes flooded your mind. You were certain that perhaps, if you tried sufficiently enough, you could even taste the stench on your tongue (of course, you would not dare try). Although this time, it was somehow.. different. The customer was there! Though he was not alone; the handsome figure stood alongside a few others, wearing the same outfit he did. Flashing copies of him and his comrades fighting those wretched beings, it almost brought a smile to your face.

There it went; as swiftly as the vision had started, it was gone. Your eyes widened, pupils filled with horror. You were back in present time. You were safe. Everything had been the same, the only difference being the stares you were accumulating. Not to mention the concerned look from the white-haired customer, who now placed a hand on your shoulder worriedly.

"Are you all right?" The mans voice was soft and compassionate. You nodded and apologized, taking the money which now had fallen onto the counter.

"I'm fine! Just a headache, probably thirsty." Brushing off the vulgar episode that just happened, you acted as if nothing took place. He let out a relieved sigh, and thanked you once more before heading out the door. In a hurry, you frantically rushed to the backroom. Trying your best to explain to Aiko why you had to leave so abruptly, you took off your work clothes and exited from the bakery.

This was her chance.

If anyone or anything had any answers, it was going to be the mysterious customer. And, what better place to find him none other than the one in her vision.

The abandoned building.

"sayin' things you don't mean
to someone that means the world to you
you see what i mean?"


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