"You're thinking of him again, aren't you, Rach?" She heard Donna say, how long has she been awake? and how long has she been staring at her?

"Him?" She asked genuinely confused by the question, Donna smirked at her as though to say she knew something that Rachel didn't, "You had that goofy grin on your face again, which means you were thinking of a certain changeling with green hair and an adorable smile." Donna said, closing her eyes again leaning back into the chair.

"So?" Rachel questioned, what's wrong with the fact that the mere thought of Gar brought a smile to her face, Donna opened her eyes again, smirked at Rachel again, but this time she raised an eyebrow.

 "Oh not you too," Rachel groaned, annoyed as she facepalmed, she didn't need this right now or ever, some of the Amazon warriors teased her as well about her relationship with Gar, which was funny because he wasn't the only male she mentioned, she mentioned Jason, Dick, Hank, and even Conner but Gar was the only one they thought she liked which wasn't a total lie she liked Gar and she spent more time with him than Dick, Jason, Hank, and Conner, but she didn't like Gar that way. 

"Okay, I'll stop" Donna laughed, Rachel glared at her then looked out the window again, "Hey, you know I was just teasing, "Donna said, placing a hand on Rachel's shoulder. 

"Donna can you like not um...say stuff like that in front of Gar, I don't want him thinking I like him or something."Rachel said, now facing Donna whose smile faded and was replaced with worry, "What's wrong with that?" Donna furrowed her brows, making the goth girl sigh, "I don't want him to act weird around me like Dick acts around Kory, I don't want our friendship to be ruined by unrequited feelings," Rachel explained, Donna shifted her body to face Rachels' and Rachel knew at that moment she was gonna be interrogated.

"Unrequited feelings on whose side his..." Donna paused, staring her straight in the eye "...Or yours?" Rachel felt her pulse race, she felt uneasy like her answer weighs more than it actually does and the thought was terrifying.

"You don't have to answer if you don't want to," Donna said, smiling again, but this time it was warmer and it reached her eyes. Rachel let out a breath she didn't know she was holding and when she did she felt dread washed all over her, she couldn't afford to care too much about Gar, he didn't deserve to have bad things happen to him, because of her.

Everyone she got close to either die or become the worse version of themselves and she didn't want that for anyone, especially Gar.

"I care about him, I care about him a lot." Rachel admitted, her eyes stinging with what she knew were tears, "I will never forgive myself if anything happens to him." 

"Don't think like that, you're starting to sound like Dick, one self-sacrificing idiot is enough, okay?" Donna said making Rachel laugh, "Rachel you are not jinxed, okay?" Donna said placing a comforting hand on the goth girls' shoulder and giving it a little squeeze, "You are not gonna hurt Gar, nothing is gonna happen to him, alright?" Rachel nodded her head and let out yet another breath of relief, Donna was always good at bringing idiots out of the dark thoughts, Rachel was gonna add her to her Mother Of The Year least next to Dawn, Kory, and, yes her adoptive mom, Melissa.     

"Thanks, Donna." Rachel said, feeling a lot better.

"Welcome, kid." She said, letting go of Rachels' shoulder.

"Rachel and Donna prepare for leading." The pilot said Rachel forgot he was a private plane, She forget that these women were Rich.

"We're almost home," Donna said, happily.


They were standing in front of The Titan Tower, bags and luggage in their hands staring at the building they both now accepted to be home.

Do You Even Love Me? [Titans Fanfiction] *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now