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•Tell them all I know now
Shout it from the rooftops
Write it on the skyline
All we had is gone now
Tell them I was happy
And my heart is broken
All my scars are open.-IMPOSSIBLE, Shontelle

Rachel couldn't believe she was going back home, she couldn't believe she was gonna see her friends, not her family again.

She gazed at the clouds that passed by as she listened to Alec Benjamin who Gar swore was better than Ed Sheeran on her phone as Donna slept soundly next to her. Rachel then wondered how much has changed back home, she hoped not much has changed, she's so tired of adjusting, she's been adjusting her entire life, because of her powers, her destiny, and her father, and she is sick of it.   

So she hopes everyone back home is still the way she left them.

"I miss you guys," Rachel sighed, now looking at photos Dick sent her on Christmas Eve, everyone was smiling even Rose, and Jason was there as well looking miserable in an ugly Christmas sweater being held by the shoulders by both Conner and Dick who were smiling ear to ear.

The Titan family was expanding and to think at first it only her alone in this unforgiving world and now she had all these awesome people in her life she couldn't believe her luck, sure they have their differences, but she wouldn't have it any other way. 

Rachel didn't know Hank and Conner that well and as for Rose, she didn't like Rose that much and she was pretty sure the feeling was mutual.

Jason was an ass, Rachel didn't like him one bit, but a small part of her missed his sarcasm and witty attitude, if she thought of it long enough she and Jason would have been friends in an alternate universe where pigs flew and horses sang.

Hank is a little tricky, he's a jerk sure, and he abuses Dick like 99 percent of the time, but Dick did deserve some of the hate. Hank is insane and his heart is his compass, but he loves kids, or at least he's fond of Jason and Rose, and just like Gar and Dick he would do anything for his friends.

Dick is a mess, just like her.

He was that one uncle you should never leave your kids with, EVER. He does the first thing that comes to his head, he is reckless and probably insane. In the time she's known him, he has done more harm than good when he tried solving problems, but his heart was and is always in the right place, he's a good man even though he didn't see it himself. 

She missed Kory more than Dick, to be honest, she is the best thing that happened to her since her mother, Melissa, was murdered. She made her feel so secure and safe, she was her guardian angel, she was her sister.

If it wasn't for Kory both Dick and she would have died, it's like she was the only one with brains in the entire team, well her and Dawn anyways.

Dawn is the embodiment of sweet, caring, and tough love, she has, in Rachel's opinion, the purest heart, and just like Kory, she has the best maternal instincts, Rachel looks up to that woman.

She and Kory are better mothers to her than both her adoptive mother and her biological mother ever were.

"Gar" She sighed dreamily, a goofy smile appearing on her face, her worries disappearing right there and then. She missed her best friend, her everything.

He was goofy, funny, brave and the most selfless out of all of them, because he doesn't have to help anyone, he chooses to. He is her Superman.

She couldn't wait to hug him and tell her about the Amazon warriors, about the strange woman in a white cloak who gave her a spellbook and taught her how to control her powers by a single chant "Azarath Metrion Zinthos" and about meeting WonderWoman, he was gonna geek out and he owed her ten bucks because he bet he would be the first to meet a member of the Justice League before her. THE JOKE'S ON HIM!   

Do You Even Love Me? [Titans Fanfiction] *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now