"I promise"

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Uraraka's POV

I started crying as I remembered the Hanahaki disease. I had two choices and both were dangerous.
I turn again to stare at Mina and Jirou, coughing while trying. Jirou steps closer as asked me a question with a dangerous answer.

"Who is it?"

I start to cough more while staring at her in horror, thinking if I should tell the truth. I motion her to come closer for me to whisper.

"It's the villain, *cough* Himiko Toga."

She looks at me with tears starting. She hugs me and whispers another secret to me, making me promise to never tell until she's ready. I sweared on my arm I wouldn't tell. It made her laugh a little but still had tears in her eyes. I try wiping them, but I could only get one eye before I started a coughing hack. She looks at me with fear, fear for my safety as she knows my crush and my condition. I ask her to do one thing for me, to bring me to my crush. She said yes and tried picking me up. She manage to pick me up and start walking outside, leaving a confused Mina in my room, and starting a journey that I could die on early.

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