Chapter One

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It was early Thursday morning when you rolled a 1951 Muntz into a garage you had become quite familiar with. You had been in this quiet town for all of 3 months and you were in the car theft business. Every night you'd go out at 12:30 a.m sharp to steal cars you had been casing out a few days prior.

You were extremely surprised by the amount of nice cars there were to steal in such a deserted area. But you couldn't be more pleased knowing you were getting good money. Putting the car into park before exiting, you were immediately met with Dylan. Dylan took care of the cars, swapping license plates, and tweaking them before sending them off to their buyers.

"This is your sixth car this week, and it's not even Friday." Dylan spoke impressiveness lacing in his voice. You chuckle, "Someone has to bring in the money." You spoke smiling at him. You passed him the keys to the car before sitting down on the couch at the back of the garage.

"Michael wants to speak to you by the way." He spoke lifting the bonnet of the stolen car. You sigh knowing how the conversation is going to go. "About?" You ask already knowing the answer. "He thinks you're boosting too much, wants you to lay low for a few days. Doesn't want cops on our best car thiefs ass."

You frown in annoyance. You knew you had been boosting a lot recently, probably too much. It was probably suspicious, who are you kidding, it was obviously suspicious. All these cars going missing. You knew Michael wanted you to lay low and you could respect him for caring, if it was caring for your well-being he was worried about. Let's be real he doesn't want you caught so he goes out of business.

"Where is he now?" You ask as Dylan comes out from under the bonnet wiping grease on his white shirt. You cringe staring at the black smear you know is never coming out. "In the office, closing deals." Quickly standing and walking towards the back. "Wish me luck." You joke. Upon reaching the door leading to his office, you knock on the door waiting for a reply. You hear a come in after a few seconds of waiting. Mentally preparing yourself before going in.

Swinging the door open you peek inside seeing Michael in a heated conversation with one of his deals you assume. You quietly shut the door and sit in the seat across his desk waiting patiently. You could hear words along the lines of 'its taking too long', 'we can't keep doing this', and 'deals off'. Michael yells into the phone as they hang up on him. Slamming the phone down on the receiver, you stiffen not moving a muscle, not knowing whether you should talk or not.

Clearing your throat, "Deals off?" You question carefully. Michael scoffs, "Yeah, deals off. Said they can't risk taking the deal because we haven't paid that loan we borrowed from them." He grumbled. "I thought we were paying them back with the stolen cars, plus the 10 percent interest fee." You spoke. "They won't accept anymore deals until we pay them back. Said we're a month overdue." He sighed rubbing his eyes. "How're we gonna get the equipment without the money?" You say. Hesitant on answering, "I don't know." Michael spoke after a few seconds.

"I'll work longer hours, in the garage, out of the garage. I can boost more." You offer. "No, I'm not having you out there risking yourself. We need you, you're no use to us in prison." He spoke filling his empty glass with his favourite scotch.

"What about Donny?" You ask, scratching the wooden armrests. "Donny is not ready." He shortly replied. "He may be our only option though." "Donny isn't ready." He spoke gruffly. You sigh in annoyance. You knew Michael and Donny were cousins, which is why Michael was so protective of Donny.

Donny was the younger one of the two, and he was new to the business. Michael told him many times he didn't want Donny to work for him as he wanted best for him. Donny proved himself when he brought in an expensive car one day, Michael was cross when he saw who hopped out of that car. They argued for hours on end, and at the end of the day Donny walked out and him and Michael haven't spoken since. It's been almost 2 months since that day.

Debating your options several times before saying something. "We could hire more hands?" You question carefully, waiting for a blow from Michael. Taking in your suggestion, he looks up to you from his desk. "Like who?" He asks. You weren't prepared to answer that question. "I don't know, yet."

"I could work longer hours in the garage helping Dylan with the cars, I could go to the track and race for money." You spoke. Michael sighs before leaning back into his seat, taking a swig of his scotch. "You don't want me boosting, I get that. But there are other ways to get money." You spoke again. You stood from your seat getting ready to leave. "You're not suggesting drug dealing are you?" He says.

"No, Michael, that goes against our morals. You said yourself we don't deal, that's not who we are!" You reply. Drugs was something that both you and Michael despised. We strictly made the deal that no one in the gang was to sell or associate themselves with the drug business, if they were caught working under those terms they're out of the gang. "You're not considering dealing are you?" You ask persistently.

"No, Kennedy, I'm not I just wanna make sure we're on the same terms." He says. "We were always on the same terms." You sigh scratching the back of your neck. Irritation prominent in your voice. You stood there staring at Michael for a few seconds trying to figure out what his next plan was. It was a long awkward silence before one of us spoke again.

"Listen I won't boost for a few days, but I'm going to race, get some money. I'll look for new hands while I'm there, if you want." You spoke, your voice coming out a lot quieter than you thought it would. Waiting for a reply from him. Accepting his silence but a slight nod confirming the idea.

You walk out of the office closing the door behind you. Making your way to the exit of the garage. You see Dylan still under the bonnet of the 1951 Muntz. "Bye Dylan, I'm off got to get ready for the races tomorrow night." You wave to him. "You're racing?" He quickly asks. You nod yes. "Gotta get more money to pay that loan off." You say grabbing your denim jacket from the back of the chair.

"You'll be careful alright? Don't want you getting into trouble." I laugh before replying. "I promise I'll be careful." You promise, smiling at Dylan's worry. He really was like a brother to you. "Yeah, well, just in case, Aaron will be there. Meet up with him there?" He asks, worry lacing his tone once again. "Yeah, I will."

"Watch out for those Cobras!" You stop walking toward your car, hearing those words. Thinking back to the words with Michael. "Cobras." You mumbled, in interest.

So what do you guys think? I enjoyed writing this, I'm actually excited to write more chapters for this book. I'd love to hear your thoughts on the first chapter so let me know in the comments.

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