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"Thank Christ for that." I sighed as I dropped the used pregnancy test on the vanity top.

"Well?" Miguel asked eagerly from outside the bathroom door.

"Big fat cross." I smiled as I opened the door. "We have our hands full enough as it is."

I saw his face turn down and hadn't actually taken the time to find out if he wanted another child. My stitches had barely healed, I did not want to put my body through a pregnancy again this soon. I couldn't think of anything harder than Irish Twins.

"Do you want another?" I asked as I sat next to him on the bed.

"I'm not getting any younger mi amor, and I would still like another if god wills it." He said before going to use the bathroom himself.

I laid back on the bed wondering if I wanted another. I mostly felt relief I wasn't pregnant but a tiny part did like the idea of going through the full motion of pregnancy, birth and raising a child with Miguel. I tried to imagine him going to birthing classes and it had me giggling until I heard Miguel clear his throat. I sat up and saw him standing at the door holding the pregnancy test up.

"You know I peed on that right? You should throw it in the bin and wash your hands." I stated but he just stared at me.

"I thought you said it was negative." He said holding it up again.

"It is, it's got a solid X." I said rolling my eyes.

He ran a hand down his face in exasperation and turned the test to me. "That's not an x Libi, it's a +. You're pregnant."

I grabbed the box from the bin and pulled the instructions out and saw a negative was a - and there was no such thing a an x. I was so fucking blonde. I looked at Miguel and he started to chuckle before falling into full laughs. I couldn't help but join him at my stupidity.

After disposing the test he walked over and knelt down in front of me and whispered to my stomach but I couldn't hear what he said. He kissed the area before standing and kissing me deeply. We pulled apart breathless and smiling. I guess it wouldn't be so bad, I had Miguel this time and he loved his children above all else.

A yawn escaped my lips after the busy day we had had. Miguel had chased the guests out of house before sending Luis to go shopping as soon as I said we should get a test. Luis had handed the bag over to Miguel with a sly smile but hadn't said anything and left. I had wanted to run straight to the bathroom but my bladder had other ideas. Instead I had sat distractedly through the family movie Cristobal chose, drinking cup after cup of water. It wasn't until the movie finished, and both children were well and truly asleep, that I could pee in peace.

I climbed into our bed and listened to Miguel quietly turn the pages of the book he read. After the third scratch of paper flipping I rolled to face him. The nightlight created a halo around his head and silhouetted his sharp shaped beard.

"Will you read to me?" I asked quietly, unable to see the title from here.

He didn't answer, instead he just went straight to narrating the novel. "There is no tourist worthy of the name who does not know the banks of the Seine, and has not noticed, in passing, the little feudal castle of the Malaquis, built upon a rock in the centre of the river. An arched bridge connects it with the shore."

His voice took me back to our time in Paris, it was as if he were describing a short stroll we took along the river. The adventures of Arsene Lupin helped my mind wander and soon the imagery blurred to a dream as his words, like a personal lullaby, sent me to sleep.

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