Chapter ten: Would i lie to you?

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"He was a hero indeed." Sachiko said in a monotone voice. A bit of a stretch in Sasuke's opinion. Most ANBU were simply faceless assassins under Danzõ's regime. And there was no honour in that, of course Sasuke wasn't going to voice his opinion aloud though. Sakura simply gave a tight nod.

"I know this is a hard time right now, but could you give us any information that could help us track down your husbands killers?" Sakura asked the widow, kneeling down so that she was level with the woman on the chair. Sachiko stayed silent for a few moments, before shaking her head listlessly.

"I'm sorry but I know nothing about this." She spoke softly. Still though she avoided direct contact with either Sasuke or Sakura. And that nagged at him.

"What about any enemies? Someone who perhaps had ill will towards your husband" Sasuke asked rather bluntly. Maybe to blunt as Sakura cut in.

"Unfortunately these are questions we need to ask. I'm so sorry." the pinkette apologised sincerely. But Sachiko simple waved her off.

"My husband had no enemies" she began. "Even during his ANBU years he kept mostly to himself. I can't think of anyone who would do this." Sachiko finished, taking a new handful of tissues from the table.

"I understand" said Sakura. "Could you go over with us what happened tonight? I know it may be difficult but we need to know" she finished, placing her slender hand on Sachiko's.

Sachiko breathed in and out, before she began describing Osamu's last moments.

*8:40pm, Miura residence*

Sachiko's POV: "Here is your tea dear" said Sachiko as she placed down the antique China tea cup; full of steaming green tea onto the stained wooden desk. Osamu took his tea with thanks.

"I'm going to do some study now, please don't interrupt." He stated with arrogance. "Simply call me for dinner"

Sachiko bowed with respect to her husband and took her leave.

"Open the window before you leave would you" Osamu demanded. "Let some fresh air in."

His wife complied immediately and hurried to the window above the office desk. She lifted the wooden frame up and latched it in place, letting a warm summers breeze through. White lace curtains moved in motion with the wind.
And Osamu waved her away.

Sachiko left the office and locked the door behind her, per her husbands request. And made her way upstairs to the master bedroom to begin her nightly routine. Only to be disturbed soon after by a sudden loud crash from down stairs. Sachiko sat upright at her dresser in shock.

"O-Osamu! Dear I-is that you?" The frightened wife called from the room, paralysed by fear.

More crashing followed by a ceramic vase breaking indicated there was immediate danger. So Sachiko took grasp at the nearest item she could use effectively as a weapon. A silver letter opener.

Making her way downstairs slowly Sachiko listened intently for more noise, but it was dead silent now.

"Osamu?" She called weakly. Riddled with fear she made it to the office, still locked as she had left it. Sachiko rummaged around for the small key in the pocket of her night gown and grasped it. Bringing it up to the key hole with shaking hands.

- Notion - (a sasusaku fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant