An Introduction

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Author's Note: This was based off my artwork where Jacobs adopted Little Ghost cuzthe Pale King is a bad father. These are also kinda based on my headcanons for Hollow Knight so yeah. Also, if you wanna see the artwork, here's a link to it.

It had been a while since the Foundation got its newest group of SCPs. They were 2 bug-type creatures and a spider, and they were human sized as well. They were found in a cave underground from what the reports said. It was difficult for the Foundation to even bring them here since apparently they put up a good fight.

The bug that was deemed the youngest was about 3'6. They're head was made of some shell-like material with two long horns sticking out while the rest of their body was made of some void-like substance. They were very quiet and not really emotional at all. They're dirty robes were switched out for clothes made by the Foundation, and their sword-like weapon was confiscated. They were given the name "SCP-9999-1".

The spider-like creature's name was Hornet. She was about 6'0 and was similar to the younger one except her body was not made of that void-like substance. It was more akin to a spider, which wasn't really much of a surprise. Her horns were also longer. She was more hostile than the other two creatures. Her red dress was switched out by clothes made by the Foundation and had her needle-like weapon confiscated, similarly to SCP-9999-1. She was given the name "SCP-9999-2".

The final bug-like creature was more similar to the first except this one was a staggering 15'0. Their horns were also longer, and they had a crack in their head. They had the same void-like substance for a body, but they were missing an arm. Reports say the arm was gone when they first encountered the creature. Similar to SCP-9999-1, they were very quiet and showed no emotion. Just like the other two, their dirty robes were replaced with clothes from the Foundation, and their sword-like weapon was confiscated. They were given the name "SCP-9999-3".

Getting information out of them wasn't easy. SCP-9999-1 and SCP-9999-3 just didn't talk at all, and it was difficult for the Watch to get any sort of information out of SCP-9999-2 due to her lack of cooperation. The only information they could really get from them is through observation and tests.

However, this wasn't going to stop Jacobs or the Watch. They were just as curious to these new SCPs as everyone else was, and they intended on getting answers from them one way or another.

Jacobs stood at the door to SCP-9999-1's chamber with a clipboard of questions. He knew he could get in trouble for unauthorized questioning of an SCP, but that's not mattered here. The answers he wanted were what was important. With McCrimmon and another guard at the ready to fetch him if anything goes wrong, he walked into the bug child's chamber.

AN: Did some sketches on what they look like in their new uniforms

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