{1}Black and blue

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George gets his arms pinned to the wall, unable to move as his boyfriend Chris Starts to kiss him roughly down the side of his neck.

George tries to tell Chris to stop but is met with his pair of lips to his own, trying to force his to tongue in. He pulls his head away still pinned to the wall.

"Not now, I don't wanna do this with you right now Chris" George says while Chris moves his body closer to George's body against his wall, near the bed.

"Why not, none of your guy friends are home, they all went to the theatre to watch a movie, nows the best time we could ever ask for" he moves in even closer, not even giving George any breathing room.

Chris began to lift George's arms up a little more, making it that his arms where now above his head. Chris squeezed George's wrists hard, George squeaking a little in pain.

"Chris that hurts, not now" Chris looked at George dead in the eyes with a shocked look on his face as he just heard George speak back. George realized by his glance and gulped.

Chris pulled back George's wrists and slammed them in to the wall harder, hitting George's wrist bone to the wall. George felt the air escape him in fear as he got yelled at him to look up at his boyfriend.

"Did you just talk back?" Chris said with anger in his voice, rumbling up his throat ready to burst at any moment. "S-sorry" George mumbles.

George can already feel the bruising form on his wrists as he's left down, freeing his wrists as he jolts them toward his chest, holding them by the wrist, rubbing at them.

George thought the madness was over until he is met with a hard hand slapped across his face, his head recoils back into the wall slamming a dent in the wall.

George slumps to the floor while he watched Chris crouch down in front of him. George tried to slip under his bed to get from arms length away from Chris but is grabbed by the collar of his shirt.

"We are done here, do you understand, I don't ever, and I mean EVER wanna hear you talk back to me, you understand?" George nods, getting dropped by his collar of his shirt back slumped against the wall

Chris leaves the room slamming the door behind him only to open it back again saying "hey I'll talk you you later love you" "love you to" George replies, as tears run down his face. Why can't I be in a normal relationship. I'm the worst boyfriend ever.
George is slumped by his wall looking down at his wrists, they're bruised with different red, blue and purple spots. George can't see those colors but he can see the different shading on his wrists so he can imagine what is looks like.

George is suddenly launched up onto his feet by the sound of his two buddy's entering the house "Dream and Sapnap"

Quickly he runs to his closet grabbing onto any long sleeve he can get his hands on. Finally he settles on a black v neck long sleeve, throwing it on. He fixes his hair trying to look not so mangled as he leave his room closing the door behind him.

The walks down stairs as he's met with Sapnap talking about the marvel movie they went to see and Dream wheezing. He emerges around the corner to see them.

Sapnap wearing a black sweatshirt with a flame logo on it along with black jeans, white vans and a white headband tied around his head. Dream wore a green hoodie with grey sweatpants, black Nikes and a smiley mask that is now in his left hand.

They both look to see George standing on the stairs. "Hey gogy how was being in the apartment alone doing nothing while me and Dream go watch a movie go?" Dream chuckles at Sapnap being sassy while George just rolled his eyes playfully "It actually went good thanks for asking"

He goes over to them, sticking his hand in each of their popcorn bags they have from the movie and take a handful, throwing small amounts into his mouth. Dream throws his hand on to his head, leaning back dramatically "how dare you take from my popcorn satchel without asking" George just punches him in the arm lightly and laughs a bit.

They both follow Sapnap into the living room as they all flop themselves onto the couch. George sat down first on the left side of the couch in the corner, pulling his knees to his chest with one arm behind his head. Dream goes to sit down next to him before he is interrupted by Sapnap sliding under him next to George

"Sorry Dream I'm sitting next to him this time" "Dude I was gonna sit there"

They begin to start throwing each other away from George, fighting like two little kids fighting for a lollipop. As they fight George just watches as he gets up and moves to the middle, sighing as doing so. "There now both of you can sit next to me how bought that" George chuckled to himself as they both stop and sit next to George flicking each other on the way there.

They both crinkle up next to him, Sapnap intertwining his arm with George's while Dream leans his head on George's shoulder. George's face turns a flush pink as both of his friends curl up next to him.

Slowly one by one each of them falls asleep with the tv still on.

Hi! This is the first story I am writing so it might not be that good but oh well!

I hope y'all enjoy and I'm gonna try and post the next chapters soon but it's gonna be hard as I have to balance school with this too!

Bye love ya guys!! Be safe!!

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