Dance With A Malfoy

Start from the beginning

 "Thank you, you look quite dashing yourself." she remarked politely. 

"Thank you Hermninny." He had a goofy grin on his face, and looped his arm through Hermione's. He led them into the Great Hall and placed his hand on the small of her back and she couldn't suppress a shudder.


Hermione hid in the corner of the Great Hall, her eyes focused on Ginny and Neville. She looked for her best friends and their dates, but they were nowhere to be found. She gave up after a while, thinking they had gone to rest. 

After few dances with Viktor, she told him she was tired and done for the night, and vanished to a corner. Upon arriving, she cast a simple Disillusionment Charm and hoped she would be hidden from sight. 

Krum was twirling around a pretty Ravenclaw girl whom she recognized as Ariana Smith, 5th year. He was whispering sweet nothings into her ears, causing her to giggle and blush, looking proud of herself for capturing Krum. 

That might have been me, Hermione thought, letting out a breath she didn't knw she was holding. 

But Hermione's heart had already been taken. She had given it willingly. And she could only wistfully hope that she had taken one in return. Sighing, she took her drink and downed it, losing hope that he would appear.  

Then she heard the sound of a masculine clearing of the throat behind her, and spun around. At the sight that stood before her, all the words she wanted to say vanished from her mouth. 

"Granger" said Draco, and Hermione's stomach filled with butterflies on hearing her name in Draco's voice. 

"Draco" she said, breathless. "You came." 

"Obviously." he muttered, walking toward her. 

"I was starting to believe that you wouldn't arrive." she shyly admitted. 

"Seriously?" Draco smirked, and arched an eyebrow. "Did you really believe I would set you up?"

Hermione smiled and said "Probably not."

"See? Patience is a virtue." He said, a smile lighting up his face, making Hermione blush. 

"What happens if were exposed?" she asked, albeit a little nervously. 

"Then everyone will know that I'm crazy about you, and I don't mind that at all. After all, it is the truth." he said confidently, not missing a beat. 

Hermione took a few steps in Draco's direction, covering the space between them, and twisted her hands in his snowy hair. He was wearing elegant black robes, that went well with his pale complexion and blond locks. He hair wasn't gelled back, an felt soft in her hands. 

"You look adorable." she blurted out. 

He smiled softly, and cupped her face in his hands and whispered, "And you, look as perfect tonight as you always do. You may not see it yourself, but you are so beautiful." And he tilted her face up and brought her lips to meet his. She was a little surprised at first, but melted into the kiss , moving their lips in sync. They fit perfectly together. 

Hermione pulled away, but only for a split second, before Draco's lips crashed down on hers, passionately. 

Finally, Draco pulled his mouth off of hers and left a trail of sweet, soft kisses along her neck. 

"I love you Draco"

On hearing this, he pulled his lips of her skin and looked her straight in the eyes.

"Do you really?" he asked, his voice hoarse. 

"Yes Draco, I love you."

He pulled her into a tight embrace, and murmured into her neck, "Hermione." The sound of her name, her first name in his voice sent shivers down her spine. "When you gave your heart to me, to keep and protect, I gave mine in return. I love you too Granger." 

"Will you dance with me?" she asked, hugging him a little tighter. 

"Of course" he replied with a smile and took her hand, leading her to the dance floor. 

There, they swayed to the melody of a last song, in each other's arms, Hermione rested her head on Draco's shoulder, and he wrapped his arms around her waist, whispering sweet words in her ears.

If this is love, I never want to lose this. I never want to lose Draco. Hermione thought to her self, giving a contented sigh. 

She felt happy. She felt protected. She felt complete. 


A/N: ok so like I said, imma teen and so I have taken the plot of a one-shot I read a couple of years ago and changed it to suit my needs. The others will be of my own creation. Give me some ideas as well. I'll need inspiration :) Don't be silent readers! Give me ur opinions and votes and comments!

Thank you! Until the next chapter! 

- Dual_Silver

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