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Draco was standing in potions class, enveloped in his own thoughts. He was given a task from the Dark Lord so as to restore the Malfoy name. This was, as he knew it, punishment for his father's failures. He spent the whole of the summer preparing. After all, this was complete the task or die. 

He should have been busy working. But where was he? Sitting in the dungeons with the Slytherins, that Macmillan, a couple Ravenclaws, and the Golden Trio. As soon as he entered the room, he was hit by a very wonderful aroma. He didn't have to wait long to find out where it was coming from. 

Granger began sucking up to Slughorn immediately, and named all the potions and their properties. There was Veritaserum, Polyjuice Potion (he made a note of this so he could sneak some when Slughorn was distracted. This could be very useful.) and a third cauldron which he didn't know. It had the aroma coming from it and the steam rose in spirals. 

He had never seen anything like it before. It smelled so strange. A combination of Christmas pudding, chocolate, and an odor he didn't recognize. It was floral yet fruity at the same time. It smelled of mangoes and lotuses, with a whiff of lemon and vanilla.  Was it someone's perfume? As he tried to place it, Granger's voice rang through the dungeons. "It's Amortentia! It 's a love potion" Draco rolled his eyes at her excitement. "And its supposed to smell differently according to what attracts each of us. For example, I smell freshly mown grass, new parchment and..."

"Weasels" Theodore Nott whispered to Draco and they sniggered. 


Ever since that class, that scent had been driving him crazy. He couldn't smell it all the time. No, it was at random places. Like in the prefects' bathroom, D.A.D.A, Potions even when they weren't brewing anything. It was driving him crazy. 

One day, he was out for a walk. Being cooped up inside that room was not doing wonders to him. He spent all of his free time there. So he decided to take a walk. No particular destination in mind, he let his feet lead him. Just then, he caught a whiff of the mystery scent again. He looked around but there was no one. Almost everyone had gone home for the holidays. It was then that he heard a faint pattering of footsteps. He turned the corner and...

SMACK! He hit something and fell down. He looked up and it was none other than..."GRANGER!" Sure enough, it was her, picking up her parchment and books. "Watch where your going!"

"In case you forgot Malfoy, you were the one who bumped into me." she sneered.

"Granger?" he said, sniffing the air around her. The scent was overwhelming now. She was still picking up her things. 

"What?" she spat, clearly furious with him. When he didn't say anything, she turned on her heel and started to walk off. 

"Hey Granger!" he called. "Do you smell something fruity and floral?" At this, she turned around and walked back toward him. She searched his face as though looking for an insult. When she found none, she said, "It's perfume, Malfoy. Muggle perfume. why? Does it bother your pureblood nose to much?"

"As a matter of fact Mudblood, it does." he retaliated as coldly as possible. She gave him a nasty look and walked away, her head held high. He stood there for a few moments before dashing back to the Room to analyze this new development. 


If he smelt Granger's perfume in the Amortentia, that meant he was in love with her. He snorted. Hardly. And to think, all this time, he had been losing his mind over.. Granger's perfume? It was Granger. In the hallways, the prefect bathrooms, in DADA. 

He could do nothing but laugh. And laugh he did. "It was Granger! All this time it was her! This whole time, I've been going out of my bloody mind!" He fell to his knees in laughter. If anyone saw him, they'd think he was insane. Granger and that damned mango, lotus, vanilla and lemon perfume. 


A/N: Hello my readers! This is a story I wrote after a Truth or Dare game with my friends. My question was: "What would you smell in the Amortentia?" So I came up with this! What do you think? I need some inspiration for more stories. Did anyone get a plot? Thank you.

- Dual_Silver

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