Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger

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Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger. Two names you would never hear together, unless in a bad way of course. Except if one gave the other a hearty slap in their third year... which is NOT why they kept their relationship a secret. It was because of the fear that Draco's father might harm them if he found out Draco was friends with a mudblood, much less dating her! Until this blessed day. Which starts in the Heads' Dorms. 

"Bag, books, hat, robe, cloak, scarf check!" Draco muttered under his breath, as he got ready for class. 

"Books, robe, cloak, hat, scarf check!" said Hermione, satisfied as she prepared for her first class of the day. 

They met at the bottom of the stairs and Hermione gave her secret boyfriend a quick peck on the cheek before walking to class. 

Draco's POV:

Why is everyone staring at me? I didn't do anything... did I?

Hermione's POV:

Why is everyone staring at me? I didn't do anything... did I? 

She covered the rest of the distance to Potions, where all heads turned to stare at her incredulously. When she sat next to Harry and Ron, they muttered, "Should we take you to the Hospital Wing, Mione?" Hermione was so confused. And what's worse, Snape was staring at her with a look of pure confusion and shock before gathering his bearings and drawing attention away from her. 

She checked to make sure she had everything before mentally slapping herself on the head. Her scarf! She was wearing Malfoy's instead of hers... Oh god, this is bad. She thought, worried. Just then the bell rang and she dashed outside, waiting for Draco. 

 Draco's POV:

He walked the rest of the way to Charms, where all heads turned to stare at him as though he had grown another head. By the time he sat down, Draco was so confused. And what's worse, Flitwick was staring at him with a look of pure confusion and shock before gathering his bearings and drawing attention away from him.

He checked to make sure he had everything before mentally slapping himself on the head. Her scarf! He was wearing Granger's instead of his... Oh god, this is bad. He thought, worried. Just then the bell rang and he dashed outside, waiting for Hermione. 

"Granger! Here's your scarf," he said as soon as he spotted her. 

"You couldn't wait until the end of the day?" she hissed, acutely aware of all the eyes that stared at the pair. And aware of all the galleons being passed around. "Everyone knows now." she snapped at him. 

"Good, then let's give them a show." With that being said, he dipped her lightly and kissed her deeply. 

"Severus, I need your help..." Flitwick squeaked but stopped as soon as he saw the pair. "Oh..."

The couple was oblivious to Flitwick's arrival. 

Just as he was about to leave, Snape stopped him and said, "Call Minerva for me, will you? She owes me 12 Galleons." He stated, looking proud. 

Meanwhile, Dumbledore was watching them through a telescope at the Potions window. "About time..."


A/N: Hey... How's it going, friends? I quite proud of this story actually, and I was wondering... Can anyone give me ideas for another one? I'm totally drained and I can't think of it anymore. Ur help is appreciated. This is the last one now. Bye!

- Dual_Silver

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