Reality Warper Report 1

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Reality Warper report number 5, from Jekyll C. Romance


Location:U.S.A, New Jersey

Power level:43%

Success rate:12/100

Recorder:not in use

I have finally been able to use the Reality Warper from the higher ups at the academy. To further my research I will use this opportunity wisely. The academy also has told me I am able to come in whenever I feel like on holidays, so I figured I would probably come in around the evening. Thanksgiving is a very busy time of the year, but surprisingly the only person there was the janitor, and possibly a few misfits vandalizing the walls with graffiti. But nothing I couldn't handle. I clocked in at around 8:10, give or take. And started to machine at around 8:31. In between this time I check the stability of the Warper, power level, and battery intake. Normal procedures. However I notice the battery is a tad off, I made it myself. So it's prone to a few leaks. I chose to focus on it after the test. Once I get some spare papers, and my lab equipment and coat. I turn it on. I've never seen it in action so the blue glow catches me off guard. I most likely should have known due to it being it's design was inspired a lot by star trek, which I probably shouldn't say in an important report like this one. But I digress. I stick my hand though, I am unsuccessful. It turns out the portal acts like a plate of glass if you don't put in numbers. I put in my dimension and coordinates. I walk right through to the other side of the portal. Now that I have proved that it works, I jot down my findings on an old pc from two years ago, then return to the portal. I put in random numbers. Dimension number 3-4567, Coordinates Northwest 3,678. I reach my hand through again. I grab a notebook, a diary to be exact. Nothing of interest inside, just normal teenage college drama. I reach again, and get a math textbook, again nothing of interest. I think of taking it to use for my own quantum physics classes. But noticed it's already been claimed in permanent marker. It reads "Oliver," the last name is unlegible. I take on last reach and get an old fish T-shirt. It's like it was worn recently, has a bit of fur on it. Black fur. I pinch it off, and throw all the items back in, and take the hair for myself. I check the time. It's 9:10. I decide to put it in a small container, to run some tests on it tomorrow. I shut off the portal, and see the battery is low. I go to recharge it, but when I do, I find the thing I found off about it, was that it was missing a screw. Causing it to overheat. I fix it up, and fill up the tank. Then leave for the night. I had to keep this report short. As I don't have much time right now, at least not as much time as I used to. This shall be stored with my other files in my basement, I hope the academy doesn't mind.

F.B.I. ©️ zeamie_the_demon, Oliver

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