Most Nights I hardly sleep

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Peytons POV

Watching her fall asleep on my chest broke my heart. She deserves someone much much better than me. I am a terrible person. I hate that I did that to her. My purpose was to keep her from breaking, but she shattered in my tight grasp. All I can do know is stich her together. I know there will still be scars, but she won't be broken. I've been laying awake at night because of her.

I have nightmares of what I did to her. I'm a terrible person. I have started cutting my wrists from depression, hence all the bracelets. I haven't smiled at anyone besides Clair. I have laid of being a bully..... forever. I blocked out all of friends. They don't know what happened.

I don't know what's gotten into me. Her smile makes my heart flutter. I get all flustered around her. I just hope she can forgive me. I was in London to see my aunt for a week. So coincidentally I ran into Clara. I am a terrible person. The only thing keeping me on this earth was Clara.

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