"Well go on then, you know the way" A very amused Yuta added while Winwin was busy slapping his arm

The two had no choice, they have to do it, it's the game. So they both said fuck it and got up going to the farthest room cause both were pretty nervous by what's about to happen next

"Hold on they're actually gonna do it-" A confused Jisung that was sipping on his apple juice on the couch asked his best friend

"Looks like it" Chenle, snuggled by his side on demand, added

Everyone looked at each other with a look that said 'we should play something very loud' which led to Renjun turning on Blah by 1the9 and getting the duo to play mario kart

Meanwhile in an upstairs room... "So like, you've done this before??" Taeyong, to Tens surprise genuinely asked as if Ten isn't the most obvious gay in their friend group

"I'm assuming you haven't?" Ten crossed his arms leaning his back against the door

"Don't assume" He said simply

"Ok then, anyways, the dare" Ten was still in his position by the door not exactly knowing what to do next for the first time. He decided he's actually going to gather courage and be bold with his crush for once

"Yeah, how exactly are we going to do this..." Ten shrugged walking closer to Taeyong, he stood right in front of him, tip toed to his ear and whispered "I think I've got an idea" With that he lightly pushed the boy to sit down on the bed, getting on top of Taeyongs thighs

Ten straddled him, lazily hanging his arms around the tallers neck "I think I like where this idea is going" Taeyong nearly whispered, his voice echoing in the silent room, the smaller may have blushed a little at the deep voice but quickly recovered

Ten only leaned in to his ear whispering "I bet you do" chuckling a little Ten lightly kissed his jaw, going down to his neck leaving red marks slowly going further down unbuttoning his shirt placing light kisses on his torso while slowly pushing him down on the bed

They may have been slightly tipsy which if they were being honest, helped a hell lot in this situation cause both are too nervous right now and need the buzz of alcohol to distract them from the reality

Taeyongs breath was deepening the lower Ten went. The boy unbuckled his belt taking his pants down leaving him in only his boxers and Taeyong would be lying if he said he wasn't getting extremely turned on by Ten right now

"Already this hard huh?" Ten chuckled going back kissing up all over his body till he came to his lips, pausing for a moment, Taeyong was waiting if Ten was going to kiss him or not, silence was heard until the room echoed with an unholy sound, Ten was palming Taeyong through his boxers which caused a breathy moan to erupt from Taeyong. Ten quickly silenced Taeyong kissing him but not stopping his motions continuing to palm the older

Breaking the kiss, Ten went back down to Taeyongs crotch, keeping eye contact he licked up the olders still clothed lenght teasing him. This earned a whine coming from Taeyong who had his head dipped in the pillow, fingers clenching the sheets

"Will you just suck me already"Taeyong was barely able to keep himself from whining even more

Ten didn't say anything, he just took Taeyongs boxers off giving him full view of his length already dripping in precum, he took it in his hands and started slowly pumping

"Whatever hyung says"

Taeyongs mind was in haywire the honorific, even though heard millions of times from the younger felt different at the moment, all he could think about was how he would love to fuck the smaller till he's screaming his lungs out

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