𝐂𝐇47 : 𝗺𝗮𝗺𝗮 𝗵𝗶𝘁𝗼𝗺𝗶

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[ third person ]


"You good, Princess?" Tsukishima muttered smugly as he walked around the car to open [y/n]'s door, giving her a helping hand when she stepped out with shaky legs. She shot him a death glare and smacked his hand away, trudging off towards the house to greet his mother who stood at the doorway with a bright smile on her face. "Geez. Rude much?"

Closing the car door, he followed after his girlfriend who wrapped her arms around Hitomi, his mother. The two females smiled brightly at one another, so brightly that he squinted to soothe his eyes.

"[y/n]-chan! Hey!" Akiteru greeted, wrapping his arms around the [h/c] female who gasped lightly. He squeezed her body, welcoming her to the house where they'd all gather for dinner.

"That's enough hugging. We should get inside." Tsukishima blurted, pointing at the cloudy sky that would soon begin to drizzle.

Oblivious of his true reason for doing that, the four of them entered the house and left their shoes by the door. [y/n] murmured something about imposing but was shushed by Hitomi who dragged her over to the living room for some reason. Tsukishima and Akiteru followed behind slowly, quirking a brow when they heard [y/n] gasp loudly and begin to thank Hitomi repeatedly. "What happened?"

"Kei, look, your mom bought us matching plates!" The girl seemed genuinely happy to receive something like this since it would be their first home gift as a couple from his mother. The plates were simple and pretty— practically worthless to Tsukishima— but once he saw that ecstatic look on her face, those plates seemed a bit more important than before. "Thank you, Hitomi!"

"Oh, it was nothing! I saw them at the store and bought them because they were pretty but Kei's father said we didn't need any more plates, so I thought you'd like them!" Hitomi beamed, earning a quick nod from [y/n] whose eyes shined.

"Thank you heheh."

"Ma, Nii-chan and I are going to the store to buy some food." Tsukishima pointed out as he put his coat on by the living room door. Both females look in his direction with raised eyebrows. Even Akiteru.

"We are?"

"Yes, we are." The younger blond hissed through grit teeth. The imploring expression on Tsukishima's face made Akiteru nod and grab his coat to get going. Walking over to [y/n] who had stood up, Tsukishima gently kissed her lips then used his hand to squish her face. "I'm coming back, so just wait. Oh, and pass those plates. I'll put it in the car."

"Alright. Don't take too long because Mom said dinner will be ready soon." The girl said as she fixed his collar, smoothing out his jacket. Souring, she scrunched her face up, "If you meet a girl, make sure she knows you're-"

"Not interested. If anyone approaches, they'll know I'm not interested." Smirking, he leaned down and kissed her forehead. "Otherwise, you can stick gum in their hair for me."

Her eyes slightly widened, "You knew about that?" She burst out laughing, bending over to hold her stomach. "It was good, right?"


"Come on, Kei. Let's go before the rain gets too heavy." Akiteru called out as he stood by the door with his shoes on. Tsukishima turned away from [y/n] and exited the living room to put on his shoes and exit the house with his brother. As soon as the car started up and drove off, [y/n] stood up to join Hitomi in the kitchen, only to find the female not there.

"Hitomi?" She called out, hearing a distant response coming from outside. Opening the sliding door that led to the deck, she found Hitomi sitting there with her eyes trained on the rain that began to pour down on their backyard. "Aren't you cold? It's pretty chilly out here because of the rain."

"I'm alright. Come sit down, honey!" His mother patted the spot beside her to encourage [y/n] to sit down. The [h/c] female did as asked, plopping on the ground next to Hitomi. "How are you and Kei doing these days?"

[y/n] opened her mouth to say something but only hummed in thought.

"Well, I guess things are going good since you both came today." Hitomi laughed. Turning playful, she pointed [y/n]'s side lightly and giggled, "So when are you gonna give me some grandkids? I'm getting old."

"Grandkids?!?" [y/n]'s face exploded into a bright red color that made her sweat profusely and look down. Her reaction only made Hitomi laugh harder.

"Honey! You're not children anymore!" Her laughter dissolved with a soft sigh. "I'm just joking, but it really would be nice for you two to get married and have kids. Though, it really is up to you two."

Married... [y/n]'s pleased expression faltered. Hitomi noticed this small shift in countenance and asked about it, "Is everything okay, honey?"

"Um..." She laughed weakly. "I don't know. I'm just being paranoid again."

"Paranoid? About what?"

Sweaty hands grasped the hem of her shirt, eyes downcast as she spoke. "Do I..really deserve this?"

Hitomi tilted her head to the side. "Deserve what?"

"Do I deserve to be with Kei? I've...been a real bitch to him this past year while we were broken up. He should hate me for everything but he..he still loves me. You and Akiteru too. You guys should hate me for what I did to him, but you guys still welcome me with open arms." [y/n]'s lips trembled. As happy as she was with Tsukishima, part of her couldn't help but think negatively. What if she got attached to the Tsukishima family and they kicked her out too? What if Tsukishima got tired of her and left her? Did she even deserve to be happy with Tsukishima after all this?

"[y/n]," His mother had a soft expression on her face as she touched [y/n]'s cheek to make the girl look into her eyes. "We could never hate you and neither could Kei. You are our family now, you hear me? You're not just Kei's girlfriend. You're our family and my daughter-in-law. We're not gonna leave you behind."

[y/n] wanted to cry. The words she had always wanted to hear had finally been said and she didn't know what to do with herself.

"Kei's always been on your side." Hitomi admitted, looking off into the distance at the rain. "He always defended you no matter what. It was almost as if you guys were still together." She giggled when [y/n]'s jaw dropped.

When Hitomi heard [y/n]'s quiet sniffles, she opened her arms and tittered softly, "Come here, honey."

Shuffling forward, she wrapped her arms around Hitomi and buried her head in the woman's shoulder.

The motherly touch that [y/n] had yearned for became a reality. Everything she had ever wanted was a reality now that she had Tsukishima. That's why she was truly blessed. 

"The boys are coming home soon, so why don't we set the table? I think Kei's father is coming tonight too!"

"Really?? Should I make some dessert before they come back?"

"Ooo, yes! I can help you out! I wonder what the boys went out to buy. We have all the food here."

"I also wonder what they went for."


[ a/n : im updating somewhat early (it's only like 2:38PM for me) for once :fboy_smirk: three days left until the epilogue :3 im very excited to write the epilogue and the extras bc ik yall horny mfs gon be LOOKING ]

AMBIVALENCE . tsukishima kei [✓]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora