Chapter 12

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"Roughly four years," Dr. Chandrian answered after a moment's thought.  "Although, he did not consistently show.  His appointments were scheduled every three months, and he often missed them."

When Avery entered the room, both Nathan and the doctor looked at her.  Dr. Chandrian only briefly so; her eyes went right back to Nathan.

"That he should commit this sort of crime is troubling," she continued.  "Aside from that, I don't know what else to add."

As the doctor spoke to Nathan, Avery looked at Chase through the mirror.  He sat in his chair, idly bouncing his leg while observing the hair contained within the folded paper.  He didn't appear to be studying it, though he appeared very contemplative.  To Avery it seemed as if he were piecing events together, leaving her feeling unsettled as the gears turned in his mind.

"I have more questions, if you don't mind?" Nathan asked.

"Of course!" she said, looking at Nathan with adoration.

Avery shook her head in disappointment, wondering why she ever doubted he would psy the doctor for information.  He had no qualms about manipulating any person for any situation.

"You said that he never completed college," Nathan said.  "Can you describe what sort of education he did have?"

She answered, "He dropped out of high school three years in.  He got his G.E.D. later, in order to work.  He tried to get into college—well, he actually did get in.  He forged accreditation papers in order to gain admittance, but was later expelled when they discovered that he cheated the system."

"How did they catch him?"

"He had a brawling incident with another student at the university.  There were assault charges filed against him, and during the investigation they learned what he had done.  It's all in his file."

Nathan nodded, "So he has had little to no education.  That makes sense—he doesn't seem very smart."

Dr. Chandrian looked at him, "Oh, I never said that.  He is actually very intelligent.  His IQ tested at over 120—using three different scales.  His analytical and problem solving skills are extremely high."

"That doesn't make sense."

"Problem solving has very little to do with education," she explained.  "School—at most levels—is essentially the regurgitation of facts which have been read or explained.  It's not difficult for you or me to read a book and answer questions afterward, but not Chase.  His disorder prevents him from comprehending, and makes it very difficult for him to complete even simple tasks."

"Why is his IQ high, then?"

"His mind is very different," she answered.  "He does not see things the way we do.  He perceives the patterns, not the threads.  Details confuse him, but in a given moment he can process much more than a normal person.  We call it hyperfocusing."

Nathan seemed to struggle with that idea.  "How can a disorder cause him to process more information?  That's like saying that a disadvantage leads to an advantage."

"It happens all of the time!" Dr. Chandrian smiled, touching his arm.  "Quite often, the brain will balance out impairment by developing heightened skills in other areas.  For example, blind people may develop enhanced hearing in order to compensate for the lack of sight."

Nathan looked thoughtful as he considered that idea.  He seemed quite intrigued, but Avery wondered how any of it related to psy resistance.

"What else can you tell me about his deviations from the norm?  Are there any other characteristics you've seen which differentiate him from his peers?"

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