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Hello, Hello!

Welcome to the first chapter of this interactive story. Since I think it's the first time someone made it here on amino, (and if not, then I'm sorry, I just haven't seen anyone do one yet😅) I'll present to you how will this work.

The disclaimer above will be placed on every post related to the interactive story. There will be also a warning of what topic it might include before the beginning of the story, like character death, blood, etc.

This story does not follow the manga. It is just fanfiction. That means, everything in here is not and will not be canon.

Every chapter will have from 500 to 1000 words. After every chapter, you will have a choice to make between 2 options.

Each choice will change the story. You will not be able to change it afterward, nor go and see what your other choice could've changed, as there will be only a chapter for the choice you have made.

You will have to comment on your choice.

There is a time limit for your choice. You have only two days to decide.

Anyway, I think that it's it. Now, moving onto the first chapter. Enjoy! And remember.

Choose, wisely :)

Musutafu, Japan.

Saturday, 3:45PM→Teachers Lounge.

3rd persons' POV.

Toshinori Yagi, other known as All Might, sighed as he finished his paperwork, finally letting himself rest his back on the back of the chair, slumping a bit.

Since it's the second year of the upcoming heroes from the Hero Course, there is more work to do. Aside from grading, the plans of training and possible class trips have to be done as well.

Although Yagi knows he can't exactly transform into his 'All Mighty' form anymore, he still is determined to teach his students about being a hero to the best of his ability.

Considering how he can barely teach his heir about One-for-All and how to use it, he still has a lot of work to do. Especially since he has not one, but above twenty students to teach. Oh boy.

The man looked at the ceiling, closing his eyes before he heard a loud, frustrated sigh along with a loud sip.

He looked down towards the tired-looking man sitting in front of him.

Aizawa was sitting slumped over his paper, rubbing his eyes while frowning. He looked like he had something on his mind.

-You seem more tired than usual. Did something happen?
Toshinori asked while creasing his eyebrows in worry.

The man sighed once again, before looking up at the blond man before him.
He grunted in response before shifting on his chair.

-Problem child said something that set me off.
Aizawa mumbled as he took another sip of what happens to be his 6th mug of coffee this day.

-Problem child? Do you mean Midoriya-Shounen?
The blonde tilted his head in interest and slight worry, hoping his successor didn't do anything bad.

Shōta nodded, rubbing his face with his hands, spilling profanities of his in-famous 'Not paid enough for this'.

Yagi swallowed, his lips forming into a thin line, waiting and hoping for the man to continue. His wishes were soon granted.

-Honestly, it's not like I haven't been thinking about it myself.
The man paused, before taking a breath and continuing.

-But I did not expect Midoriya of all people to confront me about it. But at the same time, why am I so surprised? Sure, he might have caused a lot of problems along with Problem child number two, but he is a smart kid.
Aizawa was glaring at his desk at this point. Yagi could only frown in confusion, not understanding what the other Pro-Hero was saying.

-What do you mean by that, Aizawa?
He lowered his voice, wary of what he was about to hear. The teacher before him looked him dead in the eyes, clearly serious about what he was about to say.

-We have a traitor among us, All Might.
He said in a low voice through his teeth. At that, Toshinoris' eyes widened and his jaw clenched, not expecting this answer.

He looked down on his desk, trying to process the information he had just gathered.

Although at all means, he had suspected it himself at one point, considering how convenient the Villains were while attacking their students. It was a bit too weird not to notice that something was definitely wrong.

He slowly nodded, agreeing with Aizawas' statement completely, slowly looking up at the tired hero again, who was now playing with the coffee in his mug.

All Might sighed and run his fingers through his hair, uneasy about the fact that there was probably a traitor among the students or maybe even teachers for so long and they were noticing it just now. How pathetic of them, really.

-Do you have any ideas about how should we deal with it?
He finally asked after minutes of silence. The man hummed, placing the mug on the desk, and slumping down his chair.

-We have two options. One, we inform our students about it or two, investigate on our own.
Silence fell once again upon them. All Might stared at the nearby block, deep in thought.

While informing the students about having a possible traitor among them would gain more investigators, it could also create panic and cause the students to be more wary and distant from each other.

On the other hand, keeping it to themselves would keep everything in place and they would be able to observe students more closely, trying to be as low as possible. At the same time, it could be seen as betraying the whole school, as this is the traitor they are talking about.

He was soon brought back from his swirling thoughts by Aizawas' gruff voice.



C h o o s e.

_A- Tell Students._

_B- Keep it a secret._

→ T i m e  i s  t i c k i n g . ←

(Might edit to fix grammar mistakes)

Interactive Story:: Traitor. ||MHADove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora