twenty seven

871 48 3

draco's pov

I make my way through all the rubble as I walk towards the castle with my head down. I slowly enter what used to be the entrance of the castle, the doors still stood. I creak them open and everything is demolished. My whole childhood under massive boulders. My mouth opens slightly in shock.

The Great Hall, not even a speck of it looks how it used to,

All the tables broken,

Lights and chandeliers shattered on the ground.

Plates and cups, weren't even recognizable, they were in millions of pieces scattered around the Great Hall.

I turn back, and walk towards the dormitories, stairs are as well pretty much falling apart. From the top I can see the Gryffindor common room busted open. 

Hogwarts, is now a ghost town.

I walk up the stairs slowly, up to my dorm, to see if anything is left of it. Walking down the hall, its dark, the only light are the holes in the wall left over from the war. I get to my dorm, and creep it open. My window, wasn't even a window anymore. It was a massive hole, my room covered in dust, covered in small rocks. My mirror, busted. I open my dresser, clothes still hung, but dirty, covered in memories of war. The one thing that caught my eye was my book. 

The book I wrote to Y/n.


I thought I burned it, it was supposed to vanish, turn into ashes. It looks completely untouched. As if it never went through war, never went through vicious flames. I grab it, and wipe it down a little. And open it, the pages were filled with our messages. 

I sat on my dusty bed, and flipped through. Each page has a date written on it, the last time I wrote to her was the beginning of the school year, where I thought she didn't love me anymore. I starred at that page for a while, until I flipped to the next one expecting to be empty.

Draco, please let me come, let me visit you. Draco I miss you, and I know you hear me, I know you do.

That message was from today, May 5. Three days after the supposed end of the battle. She wrote back, she wrote first. I sit there, looking out through the giant hole outside, and the sun is beaming in. I shut the book, and grabbed my bag that still contained my school things. I empty it. Take it with me, and look for more lost remains, lost memories across the castle.

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