"I have demonstrated my talent, and now in a week, you guys will too. You will all be assigned 3 personal maids, and if you have any questions, they will provide you with answers."

Rei spoke up, "As my son had said, you shall take this week and decide and practice what you do. As your queen, I shall grant you the permission to do as you like around here, with the exception of harassing others, harassing our staff and me and the Prince, no trying to sabotage others' work, and no threatening us. All attempts at violence towards anybody in this palace, the violator will either be arrested, killed on the spot, banished from the kingdom, or sent home. It applies towards the other forbiddens too. You are all dismissed."

He bounded up to his friends as everyone began to leave, and saw Asta was talking to someone.

He was an Omega, and he had luscious black hair, beautiful pale skin, gorgeous yellow eyes, and he was tall and slim with the right amount of curves. He bore no makeup as to preserve his natural beauty. He wore a black satin dress that went down to his feet, which were clad in black flats. He also had a black shawl that bore the Spade Kingdoms insignia on it. Atop his mess of black hair was a shiny tiara that had another Spade Kingdom insignia made from pure diamonds.

He was obvious royalty from the Spade Kingdom. What was he doing here? Omegas could not mate one another.

Asta turns to smile at Luck, "Luck! Hey!"

Noelle smiles at Luck and her mate Rill bows politely, "Hello, Luck."

"Hey guys. Who's this?"

Asta smiles bigger and Luck could've sworn he saw the Alpha blush.

"This is Yuno Grinberryall, the prince and heir of the Spade Kingdom."

Yuno gives a small smile to Luck, and he bows, "Just Yuno is fine, Prince Luck. It's an honor to meet you."

Luck laughs, "We're casual, you can call me Luck. So why are you here? Surely you must be aware that Omega matings are impossible."

"I am fully aware. My father and mother got word of this and they wanted me to attend to meet you, since we are both Omegan heirs of entire Kingdoms."

The King and Queen of Spade Kingdom. The Spade and Clover Kingdom had a peace treaty signed over 300 years ago, after a huge battle dealing with the Spade Kingdoms Dark Triad attempting to kill the entire Clover family, which happened before Lucks parents were even born. It was one of the most bloody battles in the history of the kingdoms, and it ended with a Clover victory, and the Spade and Clover kingdoms both signed a peace treaty. Since then, their relationship had grown and grown until they had become allied countries with a solid relationship.

"Well then, welcome to our Kingdom!" Luck says enthusiastically, a huge smile plastered on my face.

"Thank you. Also, my parents wanted me to try and attempt to find a mate while I'm here. They want to strengthen our bond further and want to marry royalty from here."

Asta smiles at Yuno, and Luck could see a hoping look in his eyes, and he smiles.

"Hey, Asta here might be a good fit for you! He doesn't have a mate yet, but he's been looking! Give him a try!"

"L-Luck, what-"


Yuno finally takes the time to look Asta up and down, studying his body and structure.

"You're really rather short for an Alpha, yeah?"

Asta choked as he got hit with that short part, "Y-Yes.."

"And you're really muscly and it's kinda weird."

Asta choked again as he was hit with that.

"What name and village are you attired from?"

"I'm heir to Hage Village and my name is Asta Orfai."

"Thats not the biggest royal branch... Any talents?"

"Well, I never give up on anything, and I have been practicing my sword since I was 7, so for about 8 years.. Noelles been practicing for 5 years, though."

Yuno makes a small sound of thought, and he sighs, "I dont know, maybe. You'd really have to try to win me over, but I doubt it."

"Challenge accepted."


Asta had a determined expression as he steeled his voice, "You think I'm going to give up just because you said it'll probably never happen?"

He smirks and chuckles a bit, "Not a chance!"

Yuno sighs and waves a hand as he begins to walk away, "Whatever, Asta. See you guys around."

The 4 people watch as Yuno walks away, his guards immediately behind him.

"Ouch, Asta, you good? He doesn't seem really interested." Rill says, patting his shoulder.

"Yeah, from all the rejections you get you'd think he'd be mentally scarred.." Noelle adds.

Asta smiles in determination, "I'll get him to love me, believe it. Just you wait.."

Luck just chuckles as he watches Asta. Nothing could change his mind now.

(How is this chapter? Also, dont you thinks Yunos last name is dumb? I sure do.)

Royalty or Not, I Still Love youOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant