"I'll bet he did." He chuckled before leaning away again and nodding to Marcus.

Marcus made his way back through the crowds to the Mayan's while we stayed at the stall. I needed to stay here so I didn't bring any attention by an early departure. It wasn't until an hour later that Marcus returned.

"He didn't make it." He said taking a seat next to his wife. "The paramedic said it looked like a seizure. Sudden but not unheard of."

"Give it a day then call Rosenberg. See what this means for the trial." Miguel said to his consejero. "This could be the Hail Mary we needed."

Marcus nodded to Miguel but his cold stare in my direction went unnoticed by everyone but me. I really hoped this was the last time I had to do something like this. Nestor may have enjoyed killing people but I didn't, it was just Darwinism to me - survival of the fittest.

The mood had dropped a bit but soon festival goers seemed to forget about the death as bands began to play. The remaining food sold quickly so I could pack it up and leave. Miguel had already left with Marcus and Cristobal so I drove home in Nestor's Audi that had been in Miguel's garage unused. It was a reminder that I would need to go through his estate with the lawyers. I could have all the time in the world very soon if I'm behind bars.


I stood up as the jury came back into the courtroom. It was day three of my trial and it was straining my mentality. My old colleagues, Agent Ramirez, Agent Tolkien and the security guards from the hospital all gave their statements of the events. Other than it being recorded that I was a recluse, they all concluded I was professional and never had any issue with my work.

My lawyer kept grinning and repeating his mantra 'it's circumstantial at best.' I tried not to get my hopes up because of yesterday's blindside. Potter had supplied a pixelated photo of Albert with Emily in Oakland. Mr Rosenberg had been blasé about it and quickly requested the photograph be discarded as evidence. It was clear to us who was in the picture but that was because we knew what they looked like.

"That could be any woman with a baby. Unless you have a witness to testify to your allegations, this is defamation to my clients proven good character." Mr Rosenberg had all but growled at the prosecution's table.

We knew they didn't have a witness and so when I was called to the stand I lied. I held my hand over that bible and outright lied. When they asked if my son was kidnapped, I said no. When they asked if I knew the whereabouts of Emily Thomas, I said no. My voice held steady when I thought it would choke and I was glad I wasn't attached to a lie detector. After that we had adjourned for the day, while the jury left to decide my fate.

I felt a hand on my shoulder as I straightened my black business suit I only wore in court. It was a little tighter around the waist than the last time I wore it and I realised just how different my life had become in a short time. I put my hand on top of Miguel's and squeezed it gently before I watched the foreman stand.

Clerk Rammstein turned to him and asked, "Have you agreed upon your verdicts?"

"Yes." The foreman answered.

"Of the seven counts of felony tampering of evidence, how do you find the defendant?" The Clark asked.

"All seven, not guilty." The foreman answered and I felt relief then and fear for remaining charges.

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