Chapter 12

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"Aye bitch, nice ride you came with."  she smirked with mischief in her dark brown eyes. The whore had on black 6 inch wedged heel, an extremely short pants covering her butt partially and a white tank top. I mean who always allow sluts in a school especially these?

"Yeah, and you look slutty as usual." I smirked to myself as I heard Jace chuckled a bit. The bitch glared at me with hatred but blinked it away with something hidden in her eyes.

"I see you have my man under your pathetic spells," she snapped looking at me up and down then glancing at Jace with a little less hatred. Her eyes could have fall out and I still wouldn't give a frick.

"Hmm, you see, blonde and stupid." My voice laced sacarsm and Jace clutches his stomach in laughter. People passing by who overheard began chuckling as well. Jace's laugh was unique and sexy. Everything about him was sexy. 

"Bitch, don't get your fucking hopes up else you wouldn't want these pics flying around the school." She said smugly and she showed me my worst fears.

My eyes had to be decieving me. It couldn't be. How did she get those?

The laughter died as Jace's turn to watch the fake bitch with deadly eyes. 

"Wh...what pics?" I snapped furiously.

The demon smirked and laughed. how could they fucking do this. My whole world was crumbling right before me as I stare at the image in front me. Jace's eyes were fill with regret, as I saw in the corner of my eyes. My hazel eyes were at the brink of tears and rage, sadness, guilt, regret build up inside me immediately. How the fuck they got this?

That bitch will pay.



The devil in a female form was staring at me with amusement in her evil eyes as I stood there fuming with anger. The crowd around grew silent with curious eyes moving to and fro to see what the next insult would be. I felt someone's hand  or fingers rested gently but I flinched them off as adrealine run through my veins.

Trying to keep my voice calm, but instead it came out as a growl," How the fuck you got those pics?"

She clicked her tongue against her teeth and grinned," I know some people that know people."

The picture was of my father holding the chair in his hand in the air as my mother was on the floor crying and helpless me stood there with my eyes wide open.

"GIVE IT TO ME, YOU BITCH!!!" I screamed.

"Hun, it makes no sense since the whole school has seen it already," she shrugged with false pity in her voice and laughing after.

She was about to walk off in her victory before she spoke,"Don't worry, Ari or Abby, which one?"

Time felt frozen in my eyes as my sight grew glossy. I was never going back to that girl,Abby. That past was suppose be hidden forever. Millions of emotions stirred up inside my confuzzled mind of mines. It had been out. My past was revealed.

The gossip from the crowd were overbearing. Not too long after, tears trickled down my cheeks destroying my makeup. Those things were never to be brought up.

"She's a fake." a girl whispered to her friend.

"She lied, all that money was a cover up."

"Oh my gosh, I can't believe I wanted to be like her."

"Imagine the boys she was with."

"I wonder what happened?"

All those statements remained in my brain. I'd come here to escape my past and now it keep to haunt me. What did I do to deserve this? Why my life had to be a mess?

Daddy, you caused this.

Why you couldn't be normal?

Rage and fury blurred my happy, pleasant thoughts and were replaced with many ways to murder Jade and whoever was behind it. With all the strength I had in my body, I instantly picked up my paste and lunged for the motherfucker who was now walking away laughing her fucking ass off.

 As we both impact on the grassy floor, I heard a lot of 'oohh's' and cheers going,"Fight!" "Fight!" but my adrealine level went over bits boundaries and I let it all out on her. Repeatedly, I punched her face like a punching bag and blocked all the blows she tried an effort on. My vision went red, forgetting everyone in the background urging me to go on. After a few more blows, I pulled her blonde hair forcing her to stand up with me and threw her around like a ragdoll. I couldn't give flying fucks about the amount of blood oozing out of her thick skull or her broken bones. My antagonism grew stronger and stronger very minute. Her deafening screams made efforts to travel to my ear canals but no avail.

"You fucking bitch!" she yelled with her pitchy voice.

I was about to hit her the last blow until I hauled by a pair of well-built arms wrapped firmly around my waist in the air. I knew for certain that it was Jace's arms.  I threw punches and kicks back at him but he wouldn't budge.

"Put me the fuck down!" I hollered as he dragged me to an unknown private area in the school. Still no progress so instead I nudged him hard in his balls.

"What the fuck,Ari?" he groaned in pain. If I wasn't pissed off, it would have been damn sexy.

"How does she know?!" I demanded as he crouched in pain before my flaming eyes. My voice only fill of anger.

"I don't know how-" he attempted to caress my cheeks but I slapped them away brutually and step backwards slowly.

"You're the only one besides Leah who knows my real name!" I yelled at the top of my now mildly hoarse voice.

"Please, let me make it up to y-" his blue eyes padded with remorse and guilt. Flashes of his fragile heart breaking into pieces right before my eyes. Some part of me began feeling sorry for the poor fellow but I couldn't be so vulnerable now, I had to maintain my ground. Jace, the only boy I've trusted with my entire past life, the one who comforted me through my few break downs he managed to see, now betrayed me. I'm completely shattered into minute pieces that is highly impossible to be fixed. Inside, I'm now the girl locked in 5 different rooms in one small corner crying till no more could fall. That brave bold girl who acquired years of rebuilding now the person you never knew existed.

Jace, I broke down my walls and opened up to you. Now you killed it, the last piece that was locked away for years now gone. What now?

"Stay. The. Hell. Away. From. Me." I grimaced, pointing a finger in his face and storming off. Jace stoned dumbfounded in his exact spot. 

As I paced the opposite direction, tears finally broke its bridge and tumbled its way down my face once again. I heard sobbing nearby, but it didn't take long to distinguish it was me all along.

What have you done to me?

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