Chapter 1

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Hans felt his bones break as he fell on the ground. He yelled in pain and felt himself fall into and out of consciousness. He laid there for a short while before slowly he trying to get up. The police would be looking for him.  Hans crawled toward a getaway car on the backroad. Hans managed to crawl to the road and slowly got up. He had a sharp pain in his ribs and his back and he knew they were broken. Hans was quite surprised that he could actually start and move the car, even when he head wanted to sleep. He forced himself to drive, drive towards the airport. He needed to get out of LA.

Somehow, even to the surprise of Hans himself, he managed to drive to the airport. He slowly dragged himself in and rubbed the dirt off himself. He wasn't bleeding so he didn't have to worry about that. All the damage was internal. "A ticket to New York" he muttered to the receptionist. She nodded and she slid it to him as he slowly slide her the money.  "Happy Christmas" the woman said. Hans nodded and sat down in the waiting room. He didn't want to risk going to the loo to see the damage and decided to check in the plane toilets. When the plane was called he limped over to it, passing you who looked at him confused. He seemed injured you thought. Realising you were going to the same plane you decided to ask him on the plane and maybe help him.

Turns out you were sitting next to him. Slowly you slid into the seat and smiled at him. He looked at you and looked away. He grimaced. "Hello" you said. "I'm (y/n)"

He thought for a second. "Ed" he stuttered out. He closed his eyes and blinked in pain.

"Are you okay?" you asked. "You seem in pain."

"I think I broke my back and maybe a rib" he muttered. You looked worried. The plane had just set off. 

"I am sure you could get to an LA hospital if I stop the plane." you said worried.

"No" he said, grabbing your arm. "I need to get to New York."  

You frowned and went to your purse. "Here" you said, handing him some Morphine tablets. "Don't worry I am a nurse and carry them just in case"

Ed nodded in thanks and took them. "I am getting back to New York for work" you said, trying to take his mind off his pain. "I mentioned I was a nurse"

Ed nodded in and grimaced again.  You ordered two teas and gave him one. He seemed completely zoned out and slowly drank it. "I need a whiskey" he muttered. 

"No alcohol on morphine" you said. "It's dangerous." Ed frowned. "However watching a movie can help take your mind off things" you put what seemed to be a comedy. Ed just stared at it. You got up and talked to the air hostess who called for an ambulance to pick Ed up at the airport. You sat back down. "Hey Ed" you said. His eyes slowly looked over at you. "I called for an ambulance to pick you up from the airport. It is my hospital and you can get a bit of a discount." 

"I don't need a hospital" Ed muttered. 

"You do" you said. "You are barely conscious and you need to have treatment" 

Ed looked away not strong enough to argue, his eyes glazed over as he stared at the thing playing.  

The rest of the plane ride you were petrified for Ed. He seemed in an awful state. As the plane landed he had fallen back into unconsciousness again. You called the air hostess who called the ambulance workers into picking him up. You went with him in the ambulance and he was rushed to the hospital. You explained what he had described to you and they checked his injuries. 

He had broken his back and some of his ribs from what they thought as a life-threatening fall. If he had fallen in another way or even one meter further then he would have died for sure. They had to operate on the back and then wrapped it to support its healing. They did the same for the ribs.

You meanwhile had started an overtime shift and when you saw Ed being wheeled out over the operating theatre you checked on him. He was out cold but looked less in pain. "Poor man" you thought and went off to do other duties.

Hans to Ed // changing with youWhere stories live. Discover now