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Hello! This is author Lilla here with...I believe my second ONS fic on this account! (Trust me, I have much more except they're drafts at the moment.)

I was very hesitant to make this story actually mainly because it's my kin memories. If you don't know what a kinnie of a kin memory is, please search it up, I will not explain it in this book.

But before we start the story, I'd like to say a few things.

1. Don't claim any idea in this story is yours nor use inspiration from it.

Now usually, I'd allow people to reference my stories, really, I'm fine with it. But not this one, please. It's quite literally my past life and seeing it around in another's book just doesn't feel right.

2. If you kin people from this story, no you don't.

Again, this is literally my canon and I already have two canonmates so I'm saying this in the most respective way possible: No, you can't relate to any of the characters in this story nor can you claim to have any kinfirms from it. I find it really uncomfortable if someone kins this Krul in this story(since it's literally me.)

And that should cover it all. Again, I mean no harm but like....please don't steal anything that's written here nor claim to kin any of these characters. They are in fact real people I have met in a past life, and I think they'd be pretty offended if I told them that I found someone who kins them.

If you wanna kin so badly, watch Owari no seraph.

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