Chapter 1

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Sorrow tears tainted my once tan skin. After being locked down in this cage for so long, my skin seemed to lose its shine and turn into pale color. Bags imprinted under my eyes, it felt like my eyes hadn't shut ever since they threw me in here. Everytime I tried falling asleep this annoying dripping sound kept my mind from shutting off. All day long, drip drop drip drop, it's never ending. I more than once screamed at it too shut the hell up, but of course it's not like the water drop could hear my death threats. God I'm gonna lose it soon.

Everyday they send malnourished boy, around the age of 17 to bring me food. They feed me, if I'm lucky, one full meal a day, when I'm not lucky the food is either rotten or there's barely anything left on the leftover plat.

But today the boy didn't come.

I smiled, this has to be the cruelest joke God had ever played on a human. I don't even remember how I got here. They barely feed me, but at least I get something everyday, but I guess today they decided to give up on my sorry ass

From all the fatigue my eyes started to shut. BANG, my body jumped, my heart almost giving out on me. Jesus have a little respect for the dead, or more like soon to be dead. I had bashed my head on the concrete wall, almost knocking myself out. I brought my hand to the back of my hair and started caressing the throbbing pain.

"Get up" said a gruffy voice, the man who appeared to look like a 80 years old cave man started to bang his wooden stick on my cages bars.

I chuckled looking straight in his eyes. He looked down at me frowning his eyebrows. He tried to make himself look more intimidating, which I found looked more funny than the hobbo look he was going for. But I stared straight in his eyes not flinching or even thinking about looking away first.

" I SAID GET UP" He tried again in a more 'aggressive' tone, which made me roll my eyes.

"Get me some Taco Bell first"

He seemed to let out a sort of growling noise. He fumble the keys in his hand and began opening my cell door. He made his way infront of me pretty quickly. He took a fist full of my hair and pulled on it, making me look up at him.

He yelled, making his stinky breath hit my nose and enter my lungs. Your breath is more threatening than your words my dude.

"I..I'm..J..Joe.." I stutter dramatically trying to catch fresh oxygen

"WHAT DID YOU SAY??" He continued yelling with his 'threatening' tone

"...JOE MAMA" I yelled back finishing my phrase. I also made sure some of my saliva hit his disgusting face. Yah I'm starting to think this place made me suicidal.

Shock plastered his face as he processed my words. Then it quickly masked to one of anger. His eyes screamed you bout to die, his hand on my hair clutched tighter than before if even possible.

Ah fuck, I just duged my own fucking grave.

I smiled innocently,

"I also like killing people haha, well compare to you I kill them on COD while you kill them in real life, there's a small difference, but not that much, so I might be your twin sister ya know, cause were so a like and all" I rambled hoping it'll save me time

"I killed my whole family" he said darkly in his deep scratchy voice

Sweat dribbled down my forehead

"Ah look at that the DNA test came in, and apparently were absolutely not related haha" I say cheerfully and relieved. I'm mentally crying, how could I fuck up this bad. Ya know what he should just kill me now and save me from further embarrassment.

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