James: One

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I don't know how it came to this, but I'm standing on a very thin ledge, about to fall to my death, with my brother and sister. But, maybe I should let you know where it all started.
"James! Wake up! You're late for breakfast!"

I rolled over in my bed, pulling the covers farther above my head. I looked up at the sound of my bedroom door opening. Albus stood in my doorway, smiling.

"Jiminy, James! You look horrible! Did you get any sleep last night?!"

I flew out of bed and slammed the door shut "Get out!"

I rub the sleep out of my eyes and go over to my dresser to pulled on some clothes. My robes had been washed and were hanging on a hanger. I folded them up and set them neatly in my trunk. We were leaving for school in three days and I just wanted to have my clothing ready. When I was done, I made my way downstairs and made myself a bowl of cereal.

My dad was sitting at the kitchen table with a copy of the Daily Prophet. He looked up when I set my cereal bowl on the table so harshly, milk sloshed out of it.

"Did you get any sleep, James?" he asked.

I didn't respond with words, but with a grunt. Lily was sitting in the living room, solving a Rubik's Cube. She didn't even look up when she said;

"I think I heard him throwing his covers about last night."

I slammed my spoon on the table "Lily!"

Lily rolled off the couch and ran upstairs. I tried to run after her, but Dad stopped me.

"Are you having the dreams again, James?"

I leaned over my cereal and nodded my head. Dad looked at me and scooted his chair closer to me.

"James, I told you you can tell me about these dreams. You don't have to be ashamed of them."

"But, this wasn't anything bad. It was just a nightmare." I said before picking up my cereal bowl and moving to the living room. At the coffee table, I thought about what I just said. I knew it wasn't just a nightmare, but it was too terrifying to be real.
The five of us gathered in the living room that day. We used floo powder every time we went to Diagon Alley. It was just easy. Lily went first, because she was the youngest. Then, Albus. Then, me. I took a handful of floo powder and stepped into the fireplace.

I took a silent, deep breath, then spoke "Diagon Alley!" and dropped the floo powder. I was enveloped in emerald green flames and the living room twisted out of sight, changing into the Leaky Cauldron. Albus and Lily were standing there, waiting for mum and dad. When we were all there, I went out the back door to the entrance to Diagon Alley.

Dad tapped on the bricks and I watched as the bricks separated.

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