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chapter four.
the void

𝙀𝙈𝘽𝙀𝙍 𝙋𝙐𝙎𝙃𝙀𝘿 𝙏𝙃𝙍𝙊𝙐𝙂𝙃 the masses of people flocking down the street desperately, her eyes scanning the crowds for any small sign of her two friends. She decided, as a last resort, she would try something she hadn't tried in at least a year. She pulled away from the rest of the trick-or-treaters, and sat down behind the wall of a house at the end of the street.

She blocked out the chatter and noise around her, concentrating on Will. A deafening silence filled her ears as she focused her mind and pushed herself further to finding him. She could feel her conscious slipping away from her body, falling into dark.

Ember felt her palms hit something wet.

She opened her eyes and looked around her. She had returned to the Void. She paused for a moment but then remembered why she was here. Will. She searched for him for a while, walking along in the pitch black, the only sound her dirty converse splashing in the odd, dry water beneath her. A familiar voice suddenly yelled from behind her, and she whipped around. Mike was holding onto Will, shaking him, begging him to wake up. Em's heart dropped as the other boy grew unresponsive.

She had to get to him, soon.

She glanced at the sign beside Mike, quickly memorising the name. She then took another deep breath, and pulled herself back to reality.

She opened her eyes with a gasp, as Max and Lucas hopped over the wall to her, closely followed by Dustin. She struggled to breath for a minute or so, as they questioned her endlessly.

"Ember what the hell was that?" Max asked, her voice softening as she watched the other girl maintain control of her breathing.

Dustin crouched down to talk to her. "Do you kn- HOLY SHIT!"

"What dude, what?"

"Her nose!" They all stared at the faint trickle of blood creeping down her face, dripping from her chin slowly. Dustin and Lucas shared a knowing look. They remembered when that would happen to another mysterious young girl.

Ember wiped it away with her sleeve, shrugging. She wasn't a priority here. They needed to get to Will. She reeled off the address to the others, and Lucas and Dustin glanced at each other. "C'mon!" they yelled in unison, Dustin grabbing Ember's hand, and Lucas grabbing Max's.

Once they reached the address, Ember stopped, and shut her eyes, trying to sense the presence of her missing friends.

"Over there" She pointed, and the four ran towards the wall, and crouched behind it was no other than Mike and Will, looking the exact same as how Ember had seen them in the Void.

"Holy shit" Dustin exclaimed, as they ran down to the pair. "Is he okay?" Lucas asked. "I don't know" Mike answered, still gripping his best friend's shoulders. "Hey," Ember crouched down to Will, gently placing her hand on top of Mike's on Will's shoulder. Mike felt a sudden warmth spread from the girl's hand, through his and to Will. Will seemed to suddenly snap out of his trance, "Ember" He murmured softly.

"Yes, we're going to take you home now, ok?" Ember stated slowly.

He nodded in response, and Ember backed away from him, letting Mike help the other boy up. Dustin made to try and help as Mike heaved Will off the ground, but Mike shrugged him off. "I got him, I got him, ok?!"

"Mike?" Ember murmured quietly. She wanted to be with Will, to take care of him. He nodded at her as she put her arm around Will's waist, helping Mike carry him up the street. "Keep trick-or-treating!" Mike yelled coldly at the other three. "I'm bored anyways. They didn't try to follow them, or even argue with them, they just watched as Mike and Ember supported their small friend back down the street.

𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐀 𝐅𝐄𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆 ✪ 𝙬. 𝙗𝙮𝙚𝙧𝙨Where stories live. Discover now