Chapter 26: You Can't Protect Everyone

Start from the beginning

The heat started to burn her legs, but she couldn't get it off no matter how hard she tried even with every outcome being a burnt hand.

"Jiro! Hold on, I'm here!"

"I don't need your help!"

"Yes you do! C'mon!" He gave her his hand and helped pull her out from under the burning piece of wood.

"Ow! OW!! KAMINARI!!!"

"Sorry." He dragged her out but her legs were all dripping blood and burnt. "You can't walk now."

"I can if I-"

"No, you're coming with me. Get on." He made her get on his back but instead of going down the stairs, he walked to the window. "There's a rope we can use to get down there. It'll be risky though considering that the building is on fire."

"Do we have a choice?"

"Your legs are burnt. We might not make it out the door in time. This rope will be our best bet."

"Then let's do it. Where's the rope?" Jiro asked him while he looked around the room they were in.

"There it is!" He quickly wrapped the rope around him arm, still supporting Jiro with the other. "Can you tie this in a knot so we can get out of here?"

"Yeah but how did you know about this rope?" she asked as she tied to around the rope's old holder. Making sure it was secured, she tugged on it until they decided it was safe enough to use.

"I saw it when we first came up here," he explained. "Hold on tight, Jiro. We're going down~" he said as she tighten her grip around him and he started to zip down to the ground. Kaminari's teeth gritted against each other while he went down. He had no gloves and there was no time to look for any with the fire already so close to them. He'd had to do with rope burnt hands.

When they landed on the ground, they could see the inside of the building all set up in flames. Nearby someone shattered glass as someone flew out the window onto the pavement. Around them was nothing but despair, debris, and bloodied bodies, dead and alive.

For a while, they just stood in shock, not knowing what to do. "Put me down, Kaminari. I'm gonna walk from here on out."


"My legs are that bad. I'm not the most injured person here anyways. There's more people that need our help and we won't get there fast enough with you carrying me." He let her down back onto the ground. At first her legs started wobbling but she stood back him within seconds without help. "Let's go."

They ran through the falling debris, hardly any more light in the area. The sky was nothing but full of smoke. But they were determined to fight through the suffocating air. They were heroes in training after all.

Not too long after they went to search for a fight, they found themselves surrounded by a large group of people. "UA High? Well, kind of wished for real heroes, not some fakes," one of them who was covered in a bunch of different colored garments said.

"We're more heroic than you'll ever be!" Kaminari shouted at them. "Come on and face us now if you dare!"

They all looked from each other to each other. "We dare." The enemies' quirks were unknown so this made it tricky for them. There was about seven of them in the group versus two high school students.

A lady with silky black hair dressed in tradition Japanese garments crossed her arms across her chest and put her head down with her eyes closed. After five seconds passed, swords and guns appeared all around her. 

Name: Scythe 
Quirk: Weapons (she can make weapons of any kind appear. The downfall is that guns and arrows only have a two time use making it sometimes difficult)

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