Season One: Y/N L/N-Origin

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(The girl above is you for future chapters and yes your hair is white and yes it's made of gems)😤😏
(Your hair is only short for this chapter👌🏼)

(Credits to the artists who made this lovely drawing).

As a young girl you went to a small school in Japan. Most Of the students had yet to gain their quirks but some were lucky and had already gained their quirk. You were in the group that had yet to gained them but the time were approaching very soon.


You were in the playground on the swings with one of your friends from school named, R/N (Random Name), when you both suddenly see a group of 5 boys. However two seemed to be being harassed by the other three. A green haired boy seemed to protect a little boy from the blonde haired one ad the other two behind him. Both the green haired boy and the boy on the ground were in tears.

"Why are you being so mean?, Your making him cry Kacchan!" Defended the green haired boy.

"If you keep on hurting him.. uh I'll uh.. I'll stop you myself!!" said the young green haired boy.

The other three boys stopped for a moment, and then laughed. The chubby boy summoned his quirk which seemed to be some type of red wings. The others fingers seemed to extend longer. (A perfect quirk with the TV controller is too far away) The blonde haired boy seemed to emit small explosions from his hands.

"Hm you wanna pretend to be a hero. You don't stand a chance without a quirk, DEKU" After that sentence they lunged at him.

You witnessed the whole thing and felt guilty you didn't help. So you went over with R/N and helped him up, he looked at your beautiful white hair and super light blue eyes, and blushed.

You didn't say anything and left with R/N and carried on home.


"Here's the sad truth, not all man are created equal, when I was four I learned some kids have more power than others, but that won't hold me back". (This is how the tell will be for when Izuku or present Mic do their little mind dialogue)


(This is just so you know how your quirk came to be.)

3rd POV

After that incident about 1 month after Y/N received her quirk.

You were in class and was learning how to count and write our names. ( My mom would stay with me when I was younger for about 5 minutes then leave :😢)

When all of a sudden your head starts to feel a little funny and so do your eyes, basically your whole body. Y/N called out to her teachers.

"Um Ma'am I feel weird." Y/n held her head as one of the teachers calls the nurse.

Suddenly her hair begins to grow to an immense length, her eyes and nails seemed to change aswell to a white sapphire like color and a gem like texture. Her hair seemed to change from hair to gems. Her eyes a white sapphire color and so do her lashes and eyebrows.

The Gem Hero: White SapphireOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz