A thousand or so years into the future, the Norse God, Odin and his sons were visiting the nine realms. He wanted to show his sons their families empire. Today, they visited Midgard. But unlike in other realms, they did not walk through the people, instead they visited woodlands, untouched by man.

"I must say... The nature on this planet is some of my favourite." Loki announced as the three walked through the woods.

"Yes, yes... It is quite beautiful this time of year. I once visited here regularly. To clear my head, while courting your mother actually. Her mother was... Not as pleasant." Odin recalled. His sons laughed at him and continued laughing.

The three had adventures like this regularly when the boys were children but now they were teenagers, approximately 13-15 in mortal years, their trips became less frequent. But on occasion they would still visit places to spend time together. And usually, it would go without a hitch. Midgard in particular was uneventful. Not once had there been any problems. Until this day...

Loki held his arm out to stop his brother and father. The two gave him a confused look. "Do you not hear that?" He asked them. They all listened carefully. Thor opened his mouth to speak but then he heard it. Crying. A child's crying. Leaves rustling. Unless their ears deceived them, there was a crying child running in their direction. "It is but a child." Loki announced, loosening up.

"It could be a trap brother..." Thor countered, stepping into a defensive stance. His father followed suit, drawing his sword. Loki shook his head and sighed at the two and continued on.

"Loki." Odi warned.

Loki didn't turn around to reply, he kept moving forward. "Father you are ridiculous, it is a child." He countered.

"In the woods, hundreds of miles from the nearest town? Mortals do not venture here my boy, they think this woodland cursed." Odin's warning tone became more urgent and severe, causing Loki to give in. His helmet appeared on his head and he drew his daggers. His father had a point after all.

The rustling got closer, the weeping stopped, the three became more weary. "Should we call for Heimdall?" Thor asked in a hushed tone.

"Not yet... Only if danger arrives." Their father replied.

The rustling got louder. And louder. And louder... And suddenly, to the left of Loki, a small child burst through the bushes and tripped over, falling flat on its face at Loki's feet. The small girl started to tear up, silently sobbing as she tried to sit up. Both her knees were bleeding, with skin hanging off them. Her hands were grazed as well. Thor and Odin didn't lower their weapons but upon seeing the child's injury, Loki pocketed his daggers and knelt down.

"Hello there." He said, a warm expression on his face.

"H-hi..." she stammered.

"That looks like it hurt. Can I help?" He asked. The girl eyed him, a range of emotions flashing her face. Fear, relief, sadness... But eventually, she nodded.

"Loki, you cannot. She is mortal." Odin warned, still cautious of his whereabouts.

"I don't belive she is father," Loki said, his back still turned to his father and brother, "father she is immortal. She bleeds mortal blood but she is in fact immortal." He informed the pair. He looked the girl in the eyes with a soft smile. "This might hurt alright? But it will be over quickly, you have my word." He promised the girl. She nodded and braced herself for the pain she'd been warned against. It stung, but she didn't flinch. She looked at Loki gratefully when she looked down and saw that her hands and knees were in perfect condition.

"Thank you." She whispered. "A-are you magic?" She asked the older boy curiously.

"Why yes I am." Loki smiled at her. "You are very brave, you didn't even wince. What's your name?" He asked. The girl thought for a moment.

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