" What is going on."

I really wanted to tell him but I was terrified, I didn't even know what was happening to me, and telling him just didn't seem like a good idea.

" I just feel really Ill, probably the lack of fresh air," I replied, convincingly as I could. He gave me a nod and pulled me up of the floor, giving me a tight hug.

"Let's get dressed and we will go for a walk, see if it makes you feel any better."

I let out a long sigh and buried my head into his chest. I really hope it was just fresh air I needed and I wasn't being controlled by someone else, as crazy as it sounded that is what it felt like.

I opened the wardrobe and sighed once more as I realised the entire wardrobe was made up of black dresses and black suits.

" Well, what a fucking variety, I could go for the black dress, or the black dress or even the black dress." I groaned, grabbing hold of the same satin dress. "And for you, sir, would you like the black suit or the black suit."

" Think I might go for the green suit." he joked half-heartedly.

I rolled my eyes and threw him over his suit and tie. Admittedly he did look hot in it but I was very bored of seeing him in the same colour every day, but I'm sure he thought the same.

Once he was dressed, he appeared behind me and zipped up the back of my dress then span me round to face him. " must say, black is defiantly your colour."

I rolled my eyes and smiled at him as best I could.

He hardly ever smiled anymore, that's why the familiar glisten in his eyes had disappeared. Thinking about it neither of us smiled much, only at each other on the off occasion. So I suppose the black really was just reflecting our moods.

" Good because it's not like I own any other colour."

I planted a soft kiss on his lips and we walked towards the door, as we approached it flew open and Narcissa stood in the doorway.

"oh your coming," she said, sounding very surprised. Draco and I exchange a quick look then nodded. She was clearly quite desperate to see us. " Come with me, we have something to do."

I grabbed the boys hand and we followed her down to the room where the piano was, but it had been replaced by four chairs and a table. I looked at the blonde with furrowed brows and he just shrugged, I scanned the room quickly, it was dark and gloomy and gave off the feeling as the meeting room the other day. I heard a faint cry coming from the back of the room and went to rush over but Draco pulled me back and Narcissa stood in front of me and held her finger to her lips.

" I suggest we bring out the girl, the goblin and the cooky old man." Bella cackled.

I glanced to my left and she was stood dancing around in circles surrounded by a few other death eaters. One of them walked over to the back of the room and down a flight of stairs, which I had never noticed before. He came back a second later, with three people following behind him. First, my eyes found the small creature, he looked pretty angry, following him was a girl with long blonde hair dressed in a rather peculiar purple and pink outfit. It took me a second to realise who it was. Luna Lovegood, I took a deep breath in as caught my eye, to my surprise she gave me a sweet smile. Finally, I held my breath as I saw then man from my vision appear.

I leant in closer to Draco and placed my chin on his shoulder so I was able to subtly whisper into his ear. " Who is the man?"

Without taking his eyes off of the trio in front of him, he replied with a low, " Olivander, the wandmaker." As the words left his mouth I lifted my wand to my eye line and looked between it and the man. " Now you're making it obvious." I gulped and slid my wand back in my waistband.

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