"Old lovers"

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You took one last look at yourself before walking to the door leading to the shop, "WELL WHERE ARE THEY FRED" you heard George shout "I DONT KNOW, IF I DID I WOULDN'T BE ASKING YOU" Fred fired back

You took a deep breath as you realise it's going to be a long day.

"What's wrong boys" you say grabbing their attention, "nothing just George here being an idiot" Fred said knowing it would trigger his twin, You gave George a dont even bother look and he walked away.

"So Freddie" you say

"Yes darling"

That nickname brought a smile to your face and of course he turns around just in Time to catch it, "oh, someone likes my nicknames" he smirked as he realised you couldn't get out of this, "no, I was just thinking about the other day when I accidentally tripped you up the stairs" now that the image was actually in your head you let out a giggle and he now had a serious look on his face

"Wasnt even that funny"

"Is someone upset that I did that"

"No, didn't bother me"

"Okay, Weasley"

You quickly remembered you still didn't know what you had to do today, "Freddie, what am I doing today"

"Your gonna be working to tills if that's okay with you" you blush at his words as he knows you struggle talking to new people, and he always try's to help, "yeah that's fine" you wanted to show him your progress so you went to stand behind the till when he grabbed your wrist "but if you feel uncomfortable at any moment, tell me or George and we'll take over for you, okay?

"Okay Freddie"

You waited by the till sorting out the items that grabbed people's attention as they were paying, when customers started rolling in, you felt anxious at first but every time you felt nervous you looked at Fred and he calmed your nerves. You would never let him know that though as he wouldn't let you live it down.

"Ah If it isn't Bella"

You recognised the voice straight away and looked up and saw Malfoy. Draco Malfoy. The boy you dated during your time at Hogwarts

"Malfoy, good to see you, only feels like yesterday you broke my heart in front of the whole school"

He smiled at your words, like he was proud, "didn't think these two would ever own a business especially with the money they were brought up on"

Hearing Malfoy talk about your second family like scum made you mad, Fred turned around and noticed this, quickly making his way over to you

"Oh it's you"

"Nice shop Weaslebee, how'd you afford this?"

"None of your business Malfoy" he now he had his arm around your waist, pulling you into him

Malfoy noticed this "you two huh?, Bella why not date a man who can actually afford nice things for you"

This angered you as you loved the Weasleys more than anything, you grabbed your wand and held it to him and he backed down and left the shop, Fred knew you didn't like anyone speaking about him and his family, he rushed over to you and pulled you into a hug, you relaxed into him and felt content.

My love : a Fred Weasley fanfictionΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα